The Shadow Subject of History
John McMurtry PhD, FRSC
“The system works”
- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Decoding the Compulsion to Disconnect
In May 2004, leading Americans and the international community were
indignant at the tortures of Iraqui prisoners by U.S. occupying forces
when undeniable pictures were published. Yet no-one in the media of
record or anyone else in a position of public trust scrupled to
observe what had started it all - the lawless U.S. invasion of Iraq in
March 2003, “the supreme crime ” under international law, the crime
which the judges at Nuremberg described as “only differing from other
war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of
the whole”.2 The torture was, as the judges at Nuremberg had foreseen,
a predictable consequence of “the supreme crime”. Yet all in official
culture remained disconnected from the cause.
It was reassuring to life consciousness that the international media
finally broadcast crimes against humanity instead of ignoring them.
But manichean slogans of “the Free World” versus “the Terrorists”
remained delinked from the criminality of the occupation itself. That
the U.S. focus of concern was “damage to America’s image” indicated
the nature of the problem. Although the Red Cross had reported that
70-90% of the torture victims were ordinary citizens picked up at
random, this did not diminish cries for redirecting attention back to
“the real danger, the terrorists endangering America”. That the
official Taguba Report itself was not permitted to question anyone
above a part-time reserve-army woman officer (who was kept out of the
interrogation room by U.S. Defense Intelligence), was nowhere reported
as evidence of top-down control.3 That the far worse crimes of maiming
and killing defenseless Iraqui women and children by bombs were
delinked from the torture regime inside the prisons indicated that the
murderous blind eye was still closed.
In fact, documented reports of criminal abuse of prisoners by U.S.
forces had been coming in to high command since the invasion of
Afghanistan in 2001 with no decision to stop the routines.4 “Stress
positions”, “humiliation”, “use of [attack] dogs”, “sleep
deprivation”, “subjection to noise”, “prolonged isolation”, “food and
water deprivation”, “restriction of toilet facilities”, and “diet
denial” were the generic orders.5 Yet ever since November 13, 2001
shortly after 9-11, Presidential decree had unilaterally overridden
the U.S.-signed Geneva Convention of 1949 on the Treatment of
Prisoners for the first time in its history. Anyone who objected was
deemed to be “lending support to terrorists”. The TV public itself
daily watched prisoners - never charged or tried under any due process
of law - hooded, shackled and limb-trussed, there were no visible
asked questions about the brutality of the abuse, nor about the
colonial occupation of the Cuban territory to perpetrate the crimes.
What was central was “the torture scandal” and opinions on how to
manage perception of it. Accordingly, “communist Cuba” was subjected
to new and crippling sanctions for its “human rights abuses” as the
state of siege by illegal U.S. embargo and destabilizations was
stepped up. The Orwellian set-points of meaning did not arouse media
or expert questions.
What could explain the systematic disconnect from reality with no
consciousness of it? It was not confined to the U.S. Right or even the
U.S. As the torture regime was exposed, the omnipresent liberal
intellectual, Michael Ignatieff, urged fellow Canadians on public
television to build up their military to join the U.S. in enforcing
“human rights” across the globe.6 The disclosure of the videotaped
Iraq tortures after years of lawless prescription was itself revealing
of the selective mind-set at work. In fact, the story of U.S. torture
on 60 Minutes in late April 2004 was a broadcast that had been held
back for weeks because its pictures of torture by Americans were “not
very patriotic” to show.7 Only when “CBS heard that Seymour Hersh,
working for the New Yorker” was planning to publish fresh photographs
- - and a damning report [by the army itself] - - did the network
decide to go ahead”.8 Until the reports came out elsewhere first, the
facts could not be seen. In consensual closing of the doors of
perception, the documented evidence was blocked out as non-existent.
Throughout, U.S. concern remained narcissistic. “America is suffering
a blow to its international image”, the elite and the many regretted
with indifference to the fate of the victims about whom there was no
further interest. The fatal pattern was overlooked that tells all -
that the U.S. security state repudiates any law if it protects the
lives of people outside itself. Since “America’s defence of its
interests and investments” abroad entails the right to reject whatever
is deemed inconsistent, it follows that its right is to act above the
law. In the words of the U.S. September 2002 National Security
Strategy document: “We will take the actions necessary to ensure that
our efforts to meet our global security commitments are not impaired
by the potential for investigations, inquiry, or prosecution by the
International Criminal Court (ICC), whose jursidiction does not extend
to Americans and which we do not accept”. 9
Not only immunity from international criminal law was thus assumed.
Unilateral American repudiations of the Convention for the Prevention
of the Crime of Genocide, the Kyoto Protocol, the Rights of Children,
the Landmines Treaty, the Convention Against Racial Discrimination,
the Comprehensive [Nuclear Bomb] Test Ban Treaty, the monitoring and
testing requirements of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Treaties,
the Covenant for Economic, Political and Cultural Rights of Nations,
and the proposed Treaty on the Limitation of the Military Use of Outer
Space all continued with no joining of the dots by expert commentary.
What repels the pattern from view? Something deeper than class and
faction is at work. A regime of meaning operates across classes and
scientific disciplines themselves to disconnect the elements so that
the whole cannot be seen. To be above the law - including laws applied
by the U.S. to prosecute others - was assumed by all as “America’s
leadership of the Free World”. Silently, the impunity that once only
God-Kings pretended was internalized by other states and the UN itself
as the regulating freedom of globalization.10
Exposure of the U.S. torture regime in Afghanistan and Iraq left the
impunity intact. The pictures made plausible denial impossible, but
the criminal occupation of Iraq continued with renewed UN support on
June 8, 2004. Only disconnected pieces were perceived. The “War on
Terrorism vindicated all. That the same justification was used decades
earlier by the Third Reich was not observed, least of all by those
invoking “appeasement of Hitler” as a justification to invade poor
non-industrialized countries.11 The comparison was unthinkable through
America’s lenses of self-conception which assumed itself as “the
society of human rights”.
Behind one corporation-friendly state was the precipitating Reichstag
Fire of February 27, 1933 to declare war on all who stood in the way.
Behind the successor war state was the destruction of the World Trade
Center on 9-11 to allow the same in different degree. Both industrial
super states were supported by familiar transnational corporations
working both sides.12 Both claimed “terrorism” by shadowy others as
the ground of “self-defence” by emergency legislation and wars of
invasion. But unlike the Reichstag Fire, 9-11 was advised as desirable
before the event - by the Bush regime’s own Project For A New American
Century . To be exact, PNAC planned a “process of transformation” to
achieve “full spectrum U.S. dominance” across the world which was made
contingent on “some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new
Pearl Harbour” if the process was not to be a “long one”.13
The wish of the men positioned to enable its fulfilment was duly
granted within a year of Bush Jr’s inauguration, on September 11,
2001. Well known former allies monitored around the clock fulfilled
their long known declaration of intention to attack the World Trade
Center.14 One former U.S.-financed agent, Omar Abdel Rahman, was
specially experienced at the job, having masterminded the first attack
on the WTC in 1993 before warning at his trial of another to come15.
Another formerly assisted agent in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, who
was U.S. armed and supported to attack the Soviet-supported government
of Afghanistan, was better known for the plan. When 9-11 happened, CIA
Director, George Tenet, immediately attributed the attack to him, and
named the U.S. flight-trained Zacarias Moussaoui.16 Still, any
foreknowledge was ruled out as “conspiracy theory”, and so the ruling
mind-set stayed closed as “realistic” and “patriotic”.
The facts of 9-11 which are disconnected from are now copiously
documented.17 But why and how these facts are ruled out by the masses
and elites at the same time is not explained. The argument has been at
the first-order level of the facts, not the lawlike operations on the
facts by the collective thought-system that selects, ignores and
reconnects them in new form - what I call the “regulating group-mind”
(RGM).18 Only when we understand this meta-level of constructing the
facts and their meaning in accordance with their conformity to and
expression of a pre-existing structure of understanding can we know
what is going on or, more specifically, can we find our way out of the
anomalies and disconnects of our era.
The Regulating Group-Mind: A Paradigm Example
Understanding of the RGM in the first instance proceeds by three basic
principles of explanation:
(1) there is a “regulating group-mind” or socially regulating syntax
of thought and judgement which
(2) blocks out all evidence against its assumptions; and
(3) blinkers out the destructive effects which reveal its delusions.
Response to 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars are my central paradigm example of
the operations of the RGM across classes and borders. Yet the RGM
operates on every level, and explains also the paralysis of nations in
responding effectively to planetary ecosystem collapse. The RGM may
lie behind every systematic social pathology of our era. In each case,
it blocks out facts and connections of life-and-death significance,
and in each instance, its exclusion is a variation on one life-blind
thought regime, the “shadow subject” of our era.
Received understanding of 9-11 is a turning-point instance of the
operations of the ruling group-mind, but is selected for forefront
attention because of its taboo hold against so much uncontested
evidence and reason. Primary connections which are preempted on the
most general plane are: (1) the policy declaration in 2000 by PNAC of
U.S. national security planners which expressed the commitment to
“full-spectrum dominance” by the U.S. state across the world; (2) its
expressed desire for a fast-track to this dominance rather than “a
prolonged one”; and (3) the perfect consistency between this policy,
what happened on 9-11, and what happened afterwards through the 9-11
Wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.
An acute example of blocking out the defining elements of this evident
continuity of fact and meaning is that all U.S. air defences at the
most central level were coincidentally down on September 11, 2001 in
precise accord with (1), (2) and (3). This connection is as important
and demonstrable as any could be for history, but it is nevertheless
consistently excluded from the contents of consciousness in all public
commentary, and Left discourse itself - the tip of the deeper disorder
of the RGM that we do not yet suspect..19 In fact, there was no
attempt to achieve any U.S. air-defense intervention with the rogue
9-11 planes until after two jumbo jets had hit different buildings of
the World Trade Center in leisurely succession and a third plane or
missile had hit a just-vacated wing of the Pentagon - all of this long
after the four known and separately hijacked planes had rerouted and
flown around unimpeded within the most heavily defended airspace in
the world for well over an hour altogether with none disturbed by any
sign of defense reaction until after all three buildings had been
That the U.S. war state which then went into motion showed signs of
long planning in each case was not perceived as significant,21 nor was
connection to the past statements proclaiming the purpose these plans
sought to fulfil. All conformed to the taboo against joined meaning.
There were many levels of the disconnect. Singly and together, they
ruled out of view the evident through-line of events from the policy
record prior to 9-11, to 9-11 itself, and then to “America at War”
continuously since in enactment of the original policy plan.
Disconnect also ruled on the question of “terrorism” itself. Even as
young Americans were killed in rising numbers in Iraq, while
non-American families were terrorized across entire countries by the
U.S. invasions in violation of the most solemn law of nations,
“terrorism” was perceived in all received discussion as solely the
Other’s affliction on the Free World and its allies. That in fact, on
the contrary, virtually all the terrorization proceeded from the
war-crimes, carpet bombings of societies, and systematic torturing of
the legally innocent by the U.S. in its “war against terror” was
elided from consciousness. The legal definition of terrorism itself
was excluded from expert discussion of it.22 That “the central issue
facing America and the world”was in these ways reversed in its meaning
across cultures and classes was inexplicable when the majority had no
interest in reproducing the inverted story as their own meaning. No
received theory can explain such a phenomenon, yet there was an
explanation. All the facts and connections were unthinkable within the
a priori set-points of the reigning thought-system.
The connections across plan and fulfilment, cause and effect are not
seen by the RGM to the extent that they conflict with its deciding
assumptions. When one recognises that each and all are consistent in
expression of one regulating syntax of meaning, anomalies of 9-11 or
ecological blindness are no longer anomalous. Since this “way of life”
is presupposed by all its creatures as their own framework of
cognition,23 the problem is always with what does not conform to it,
which is therefore perceived as subversive, irrational or the enemy.
Variations on the terminology of abuse of those whose thought does not
conform is the media commentator’s principal poetic license and flair.
Since the ruling group-mind always operates a priori, facts cannot
dislodge what its categorial structure perceives and knows already.
Thus no-one in the international media noticed 33 months later in the
most dramatic exposure of U.S. defense intelligence cover-up and
criminality in a generation - the “Iraq torture scandal” - that the
clear connections between the master strategy minted before 9-11 and
everything that had occurred since held intact with no movement to
modification even after the exposures of the most brutal moral and
political crimes.
The lead idea of a “catastrophic and catalyzing event” to expedite
desired geostrategic control over vast regions of formerly
public-owned oilfields which were no longer within or protected by the
Soviet Union was simply not discussed. No-one appeared to notice how
amidst all the disasters of the Iraq occupation that the master
strategy had strikingly achieved all of its declared pre-9-11
objectives. The through-line of meaning - seizure, control and
restructuring of the routes and sources of the vast and publicly owned
oil resources of Central Asia (“the Afghanistan War”) and the Middle
East (“the Iraq War”) - remained unseeable as the reason for 9-11. The
RGM perceived, instead, “another historic step forward for freedom”
and “a better world without Saddam’s brutal regime”. Diversion of
thought to the designated enemy of the group is certainly an RGM
operation of the greatest importance, perpetually disconnecting
consciousness from unthinkable objects of attention. It precedes any
conspiratorial concealment or ruling class manipulation because it is
a preempting block by a collective regime of understanding. Since it
vindicates the knowing group and its members in a manner on which all
can agree whatever facts contradict their perceptions of self and
other, its perception remains secure and consensual.
Not even “the international community” up in arms about the tortures
seemed, therefore, to notice the dramatic reversals of fact and
meaning. Rather, the tortures themselves were disconnected from their
cause as strange anomalies. In return to consensual security, the
assistance of the international community” itself was increasingly
called for by both contesting U.S. political parties to sustain the
criminally illegal occupations. Even former foes of the Iraq invasion,
France and Russia included, did not publicly perceive the fact that it
was “the supreme crime under international law”, although that was the
ultimate law governing the Security Council they sat on. Instead, the
illegal war occupation was provided unanimous approval of the U.N.
Security Council on October 16, 2003, and again on June 8, 2004, with
congratulations around the world for “the emerging consensus on
Iraq”.24 The group-mind disconnect was now global.
Financial, logistical and moral assistance for the now UN-approved
occupation was accordingly demanded from “those concerned about the
people of Iraq”. “The full and free independence of Iraq” proclaimed
for June 30, 2004 allowed, in fact none.25 No assured say or veto by
U.S.-appointed governors over the armed forces occupying the country
was granted, and the agreed-upon choice by the U.N. envoy (Lakhdar
Brahimi) of the Prime Minister (the anti-Saddam scientist, Hussein
Shahristrani) was reversed. In his place, with none in the U.N.
remembering the fact, a former killer for Saddam and then C.I.A.-backed
emigré (Iyad Allawi) - was installed representing an organisation
created by the CIA and Britain’s M-16.26 The ruling group-mind was a
closed box with moving sides, but none within its consensus across
parties and cultures publicly doubted or raised questions of the
continuing war criminal occupation. It was now called “rebuilding free
Iraq”. The long promise of the White House of “complete and full
handover of power” was perceived as discharged with no evident notice
of the compounding disconnect from reality. The “new consensus on
Iraq” left all armed force, control of the economy, privatization and
financial planning in U.S. control or that of its dependent
appointees. Full approval by the UN Security Council was then duly
granted “after disagreements were resolved by U.S. flexibility”.
A narrow epistemology variously rules across the new world order. The
dominant conversation transpires within life-delinked co-ordinates,
and the truth is what sells - with academic theories as all else.27 It
follows that problems are resolved by changing words and perceptions
so that people buy into the story for sale. “Terrorists”, for example,
can only be those that resist occupation by “nations of the Free
World”, whether in Baghdad or the West Bank of Palestine. Even when
the armed forces of Israel and the U.S. murder resistance leaders at
pleasure, blow up village houses and families, and continuously
enforce a scene from Hell on civilian populations, none of this can
qualify as “terrorist” to the ruling group-mind because this category
admits only non-Free World others into it. Even inversion of the
meaning of the term on whose behalf a “war without end” is fought
cannot appear as an issue. For its consensual operations are prior to
the reality it selects and excludes to understand. If the historical
referent of “terrorism” is state attacks on civilians, this meaning
too is blocked out of view prior to denial or affirmation.
Consequently, laws for “counter-terrorism”are made across the world to
meet “the international community’s greatest threat”. The problems
which daily determine peoples’ life or death are, accordingly,
blinkered out a priori.
Life Consciousness versus the Shadow Subject
“Not for oil” was a wide public sentiment against the U.S.-led
invasion of Iraq, an historic uprising against the hold of the ruling
group-mind by that opening of life consciousness which always leads
the human condition. But not just Middle East oil was involved.
Everything the people lived from was involved. In Iraq, the
expropriation was planned, sudden and total, but only seen in
glimpses. Publicly controlled banks, industrial infrastructures,
electricity and water supplies, food production and delivery systems
were all time-scheduled for dismantling, control and marketization by
U.S. led and subsidized corporations.28 The full-spectrum confiscation
was called the Comprehensive Privatization Plan, a history-turning
document not commented upon in the media or parliaments. The
Comprehensive Privatization Plan - itself a war crime not possible
without 9-11 to realign global perception - was to be complemented by
“forgiveness of Iraq’s debt”. Market liberation was not to be burdened
with costs that public subsidies could pay. The system-deciding logic
was consistent throughout, but its throughline of meaning was
unthinkable to the acceptable parameters of discussion. Under terms to
be specified by the International Monetary Fund, permanent debt
service payments were set into motion, with publicly stripped
conditions of existence for the Iraqui people to be specified by the
usual IMF conditions of “economic stability and development”. The
latest market miracle was, in accordance with the ruling paradigm,
expected with no economic planning required. Texas bank-owning James
Baker III, the Bush Jr. point man for the stolen 2000 U.S. election,
was the same person selected to counsel agreement from European and
Russian banks and officials for Iraq’s “debt forgiveness”.29
In market theory, the stage was set for what the September 25, 2003
Economist affirmed as “a capitalist dream”. The pattern was familiar
in outer fact, but its regulating logic was not. The pattern was as
pure-type as it gets, and was proclaimed as “freedom” and “future
prosperity”. On the ground unseen through the ruling market prism,
there was no limit to the market double take from the non-market world
and confiscations of public wealth - first from American taxpayers to
pay for the over $1-billion-a-day armed forces supplied and serviced
by U.S. multinational corporations in semi-monopoly or no-bid
conditions which guaranteed super profits to be paid by the present
and future common wealth of the public realm; and secondly, at a much
higher rate, there was the systematic dispossession of the Iraqui and
Central Asian peoples whose natural and built resources were
systematically privatized by armed force for control by U.S.-selected
transnational corporations. Meanwhile the media daily limmed
denunciations of the “lawless violence” of armed resisters in
approximately exact reproduction of the perceptions of the
Palestinians by Israel, the ANC by South Africa, and the Kenyans by
Britain half a century earlier. The ruling market group-mind
reproduces through time with different names for its expressions.
“Freedom”, “development” and “civilization” are the known continuous
advances, but always a more total corporate market on the ground is
the systematic effect.
In fact, not even the opposing U.S. presidential candidate, nor
formerly opposed governments, nor the international press and
academics once deviated from affirmation of Iraq’s “liberation”. It
was a given of Free World discourse. The unanimity on the issue was
not explainable by coercion, private profit, or conspiracy. A deeper
order of determination governed throughout. The genocide of a
socialist society was unspeakable to name, although what happened to
Iraq, as the U.N. Co-ordinator of Humanitarian Aid, Denis Halliday,
observed was “in keeping with the definition of genocide in the U.N.
convention”.30 Instead, the group-mind knew that “Saddam Hussein was a
brutal dictator who had to be replaced”, and that his “invasion of
Kuwait” in 1991, and then “Islamic terrorists’ attack on America” in
2001, were the background causes of “Iraq’s difficulties”. That Saddam
himself was paid, armed and directed by the U.S. from obscurity into
war against Iran and afterward until his 1991 invasion of Kuwait which
was not opposed by the U.S. until after it started, were facts that
did not register through the chinks of the RGM; nor, more deeply, did
the deaths of over 1,000,000 Iraquis since 1991 by U.S.led bombings,
depleted uranium contamination, and sanctions against repairs of free
public water and electricity systems paid for by still publicly owned
oil.31 All this was blocked out apriori by the market thought-system
which ruled. And so clashing opinions, perpetual news, and academic
detail work all moved within the reference points and coordinates of
the one consensual program of perception and judgement. Isolated facts
of mass death were reported from life-conscious medical witness at
work behind the scenes, but they appeared and disappeared with no
effect on the iron cage of understanding. What the group-mind knew, as
it does in stadiums, squares and coliseums across millennia, was that
the designated enemy must be overcome. All remain excited and united
in group meaning that sees only itself, while reproduction of the
group battles as the spectacles of history is perceived as higher
September 11 2001 fed perfectly into RGM escalation in place of
historical learning.32 It first made the invasion of Afghanistan an
act of “necessary self-defense” against “terrorist training camps
attacking the U.S.” - terrorist camps which were, like Saddam Hussein,
financed, armed and directed by U.S. intelligence forces from their
inception.33 Within two years, “America’s New War” to invade and
occupy Iraq by armed-force in place of UN inspections was propelled by
a new perception of “weapons of mass destruction threatening the
world”. No-one in official culture connected the wars to the stated
Project of America that preceded them, nor to the market epistemology
for which the only truth is what sells. Least of all were the wars
connected to global market growth - although all that occurred
realised these directing principles on long and short-term planes of
time. The shadow subject selected for and approved the new reality as
necessary and good without the genocide of a people being seen.
In this way, Iraq was now “liberated by America” with an “absolutely
convinced” Tony Blair and Bush leading history from their “cojones
meeting” - “to do what I think is right”.34 Many critics read these
leaders as merely self-serving liars. But there is a deeper order to
their lies. The function of leadership of a group-mind is to exemplify
its prejudices as militant certitudes. Thus even when the WMD’s that
justified the invasion of Iraq were nowhere to be found, the closed
circle remained firm across parties and nations. The invasion that was
illegal and failed as occupation had to continue if Iraq was to remain
liberated. “We must hold the course”, “win the peace”, “not turn our
backs’, all agreed through the regulating lenses. New leadership would
replace old, but the set-points of meaning and purpose were fixed.
What is not recognised by the self-interest theory of motivation is
that the regulating group-mind may override even the self-serving
calculus of opportunistic state leaders. They go as sacrifices, or
not, but the meta-program rules on. It is the shadow level of
determination behind the eyes. The Iraq genocide is a symptom of the
larger world crisis it propels. Until the deciding base is mutual life
and life conditions, the vicious deciding circle remains closed.
The line between the group-mind and life consciousness is clear once
seen. The RGM is disconnected from life co-ordinates of perception and
decision by a self-referential value system. Life consciousness is
oppositely regulated. It is aware of life requirements around it as
its body of reference, with no a priori edge to identification. Its
common life-ground is ultimately all the conditions required to take
our next breath. The group-mind, in contrast, is enclosed within
itself as on automatic pilot. It has many variations within our time
and others, but always refers attention back to its own regulating
categories of meaning instead of the conditions of enabling life. It
may proclaim “the free market and democracy”and “the enemies of
freedom”, or “Allah’s faithful” and “the unbelievers”. No problem of
life destruction can, in any case, register to a group-mind calculus
because nothing of value exists beyond it. Externalities to its
framework of judgement do not compute to it, and so its ruling metric
becomes more formally fixed and life-blind the longer and wider it
rules. Eventually, it blocks out any refutive feedback loop even at
the level of breath itself - as the absurdly named “pro-life movement”
of U.S. market culture expresses in microcosm. From the standpoint of
market set-points of mind, only atomic selves and pieces can be seen
in reified abstractions from wider organic needs and interconnections.
At its most fateful, the ruling group-mind reproduces itself as the
same even in the midst of the life-system collapse which its closure
finally leads to - as with the Easter islanders, pre-Columbian
Mesoamerican empires, the god-king Khmers - - and the global market
system today. The rigid reference body of decision and meaning fails
to recognise or respond to the stripping and draw-down of life
conditions which its command assumptions entail - much the same as a
failed immune system at the cellular level.35.
But who disagrees with the ruling frame of perception and
understanding of the global corporate market? Who across the public
platforms of the Free World imagines a life-coordinated economy? Who
in U.S. political life, or even in world governments or scholarly
analyses, dissents from universal market supremacy with no
alternative? The consequences of this preconscious absolutism may be
to destroy whole societies or social infrastructures upon which
hundreds of millions depend for their existence. Yet all proceeds in
accordance with a set of ruling presuppositions which are closed to
question. The systematic genocide of a region-leading economic order
and its looted cradle of civilisation as “liberation”is only a bounded
exemplar of the thought system. From early geostrategic plan to
destroyed health records, the life coordinates of the people being
brought to market never counted. The decisions for their deliverance
to “new freedom”were not an issue except for the marginalized.36 The
spectre of the ruling subject behind was not exposed by anyone.
When the pictures of systematic hands-on torture emerged as public
counter-evidence to the set-points of understanding Iraq’s
“liberation”, the war-crime cause which “accumulates in itself all war
crimes” remained unmentioned - as blocked out as the throughline of
meaning of 9-11 preceding it. Deeper than the presidential cabal’s
operations lay the ruling meta-program in command across the
ruler-ruled division. The group-mind that blinkers out whatever does
not fit its organising frame of meaning is strange to theory because
it is housed across classes, countries and cultures by a cognitive
regime which is not rooted in locale, practice, or productive
prestige.37 It structures the mind itself beneath professional and
cultural variation from Rio de Janeiro to New York to Shanghai.38 Not
even psychiatry yet penetrates its disorder because it cannot speak
from a couch. Marx, in turn, has reified its basic regulating
principles as external economic “laws of motion” which cannot explain
why people both identify with and reject them.
A micro example of what Blake called “the mind-forged manacles”
occurred immediately prior to the invasion of Iraq in clinical
conditions. Their grip within and across societies and selves far from
the theatre of war disclosed the transcendental set-points across
borders. The public broadcasting producers of my own country, Canada -
who are in the pay of no U.S. multinational and accept orders from
no-one outside - continuously produced their stories prior to March 20
2003 within the ruling line of “Saddam’s dictatorship”and “the war
against terror and weapons of mass destruction” - even as the supreme
crime of U.S. military invasion remained unnamed, but proclaimed as
“inevitably” unfolding. A silent clamp-down invisibly awaited anyone
who called the assumed meaning into question. To test the hold of the
ruling group-mind, I accepted an invitation onto CBC Sunday News to
debate a well-known U.S. geostrategic planner and co-manager of the
Project for A New American Century, Thomas Donnelly, the Sunday before
the U.S. invasion of Iraq. I did not remain within the assumed
parameters of discussion. I explained that the U.S. was engaged in
launching a criminal war against the Iraqui people, and continuing its
genocidal destruction of the people’s socialised infrastructures of
water supplies, electricity, food distribution, and public healthcare
and education. To the predictable group-mind reflex of “what about
Saddam’s brutal dictatorship” and “use of biological weapons against
his own people”, I observed U.S. arming and support of Saddam and his
regime in these actions from the beginning. I said Mr. Donnelly ought
to be arrested under the relevant Canadian Criminal Code section, the
Crimes Against Humanity Act, for counselling war crimes and crimes
against humanity with no justification of self-defence, and in
sabotage of ongoing and accurate UN weapons inspections. He responded
with grimaces and slogans of praise for America’s love of freedom
since the “U.S. liberation of Europe”.
CBC management did not approve. The “arrest” phrase was deleted from
the 30-minute delayed broadcast. The research reporter who had
arranged the debate would not return my inquiries on the debate’s
feedback, but would only refer to other matters, and was soon no
longer on CBC Television’s major public affairs program. The
experimental as well as control conditions yielded a consistent
result. Reality was blocked out a priori. Neither fact nor argument
was relevant to or accommodated by the prior regulating framework of
understanding. Far from the Washington political center and across an
international border in a time of life-groundswell rising against the
coming U.S. invasion, the deep lines of disconnect were at work - the
omnipresent on-off switches of the ruling group-mind. They work only
so far as they are not seen. Their invisible lines of force are what
make us “not know what is going on” even when the evidence shows mass
murder and is known.
Understanding The 9-11 Wars
Long-time U.S. National Security Committee adviser to the President,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote four years before 9-11 what inside U.S.
geostrategists were already thinking across Republican-Democrat
divisions after the collapse of the Soviet Union: "[The United States
needs] unhindered financial and economic access [to] Central Asia's
natural resources,” he advised, “[especially] the enormous economic
prize of the natural oil and gas located in the region” But, he
continued, it will be “difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign
policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and
widely perceived direct external threat."39 That “truly massive and
widely perceived threat” was provided by 9-11. What the former
Democrat National Security Adviser to the President advocated in 1999,
and what the Bush Presidency’s Republican Project For A New American
Century called for in 2000, thus formed across party divisions as a
vector of the ruling market group-mind.
At the epicenter of this global market construction is the public and
elite response to it - why such facts in clear through-line of purpose
and effect have been silenced in public and media discussion. The
consensus has crossed the poles of Left-Right division, with even Left
institutions like Z-Net gatekeeping against the connected meaning.40
The taboo against knowing the facts was encoded into the identity
structure across ideological partitions. Any fact exposing the
official story was a “conspiracy theory”or, to Z-Net, a “distraction”.
Given the known pre-9-11 search by U.S. geostrategic planning for a
publicly salable reason to invade central Asia and Iraq, 9-11's
convenient occurrence was disconnected from what it provided the ideal
pretext for - administration legitimation and militarily imposed new
control over the world’s main supplies of oil. Each war for seizure of
oil source was, in turn, disconnected from the known plan to achieve
it, and all was disconnected from the ecogenocidal pattern now in
military motion as well. Why when the very major invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq to ensure this control occurred right after 9-11,
the sole context within which these wars could be sold as defensive,
did no U.S. public figure, even the heroic Noam Chomsky, join the dots
of the unfolding strategic plan? The answer is given by the evidence.
A regime of consensual disconnect had formed with the overwhelming
consensus blocking challenge to it. Even the most painstaking case for
administration complicity in 9-11 featured an exonerating title.41
Political history since 9-11 deepened the mystery of the mind-lock
whose wider meaning we investigate here. Despite a subsequent record
of years of spectacular lying about Iraq by the Bush administration,
still the mass media, foreign affairs respondents and opposition
critics blinkered out the accumulating further evidence for a
strategically constructed 9-11 attack - for documented example, the
anonymously blocked F.B.I. investigations before 9-11, the ignored
intelligence warnings from many foreign state agencies beforehand, and
the immediately prior visit to Washington of the CIA-advised Pakistani
intelligence (I.S.I) paymaster of one of the lead hijackers.42 Even
the fixed reference points of physical science were ignored in
understanding the steering event - most evidently, the massive steel
infrastructure collapses whose instant fall from plane impacts alone,
or none at all, contradicts the laws of engineering physics.43 Here
more paradigmatically than the unrecognised war crime itself, a
structure of denial and projection somehow decoupled elite and public
consciousness from the evidence. We know Church authorities would not
look through Galileo’s telescope to examine the astronomical facts,
but in this case the ruling group-mind embraced entire societies,
while the this-worldly evidence which it blacked out was against the
interests of almost all of its community of thought. The consensual
refusal to see beneath any known calculus of advantage or exchange was
anomalous. Only group-mind operation provided an explanation.44
Given the Bush Jr. regime’s non-stop blocking or attack-dog treatment
of those suspicious of top-level inaction before 9-11 - including the
FBI Director of Anti-Terrorism, John O’Neill (who resigned in protest
and then died in the World Trade Center as its chief of security), and
later the Bush administration’s own official chief adviser on
counter-terrorism, Richard Clarke - what more evidence was required
for thought to suspect a reason? How could the long prepared plans for
invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, which 9-11 alone justified, not be
connected to the stand-down of defences before it? What could explain
why even the elites of America could accept that the “most crooked,
lying group I’ve ever seen” - John Kerry’s overheard aside about the
string-pullers of the Bush Jr. administration - were somehow not in on
what “all the buzz in Washington” was increasingly warned about prior
to 9-11? 45If , moreover, a number of prominent Americans followed the
warnings not to be in the buildings or on the relevant flights on that
day, and Bush himself was kept isolated by agenda and security
managers from all commander response before and after the attack until
after all the buildings had been hit, how could the U.S. secret
security command not be coordinated with the sustained failure of
response? How, in overview, could such a long chain of coincidences
possibly occur by continuous chance?
Everyone now has probably heard that known Al-Qaeda members were long
left free to operate inside the U.S. with even FBI investigations
blocked by orders from above as they learned to fly, and that four
American jumbo-jets were somehow successfully hijacked all at the same
time with no security system successful against any member all the way
through to the crashes. Once every one of the alleged 19 hijackers was
safely through the many gates of prevention and now untouched and in
control of four commercial jumbo-jets at once, the story goes, their
hijacked airplane buses then flew around inside normally full U.S.
air-grids without any interruption for 75 minutes - the Air Force
advertises a two-and-a-half-minute time from ground wheel to full
throttle through the skies - free-winging about the most heavily
watched and protected airspace in the world with military airports all
around, and then, presto and telegenically, they skillfully crashed
one hijacked jumbo-jet after another into central symbolic buildings
of the U.S. - while conveniently hitting the recently de-occupied
portion of the Pentagon. “Bring ‘em on!” can almost be heard through
the smoke of the blown-up buildings. The increasingly despised Bush
administration whose Inauguration Parade had been unprecedentedly
egg-pelted and chased off the central streets of Washington had good
reason to want the change of enemy that would entirely reverse their
fortunes. Consider the notorious secret command coordination which is
everywhere at work in the U.S. national security state. Then think
through the multi-level and inconceivable failures of preventative
procedures on every level and at every gate from immigration to flight
control to Defense Intelligence and the CIA - all “coincidentally”
coming together to permit the total throughline past all stops to a
simultaneously filmed, released and broadcast “Attack on America!”-
with all the names of the guilty dead hijackers immediately known,
although there was no evidence from the burnt-out wreckage. It was
sold and exported across oceans where it could not be checked.
The many close relatives and associates of the man accused, Osama bin
Laden, were then immediately exempted by White House fiat from any
standard questions of their knowledge of the accused mastermind,
escorted in security-cleared planes when no-one else in America was
allowed to fly, and deposited in safe houses in the desert kingdom of
Saudi Arabia where no investigative questions were permitted. The
documented details will not be repeated here, but they are
impressively massive in confirming, and none disconfirming, the long
open pathway to the attacks and a continuing consistent stand-down of
investigation since. When all of this faultless sequence of
coincidence working continuously in one direction and in favour of one
vast payoff matrix was followed, in turn, by a stonewalling of
questions by everyone at the top on whose watch 9-11 occurred, still
no public questions arose. Everything before 9-11 and after it that
bridged the forbidden meaning across it was disconnected from the
event. When such a chain of coinciding actions and reactions all
consistent with one explanation alone is so systematically blocked out
by all around and delinked at every joint, there has been a shut-down
of reason that needs to be explained. That is our purpose here - to
analyse 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars as a paradigm illustration of the
ruling group-mind at work, and to explain how these phenomena connect
as unthinkable expressions of one regulating meta-program - the
“shadow subject” of the global market thought-system.
If one remembers the record of sacrifices of countless thousands of
people to covert geopolitical strategies of which the U.S. corporate
security state is long known to approve, sometimes millions of people
at a time on false pretexts - as in Indonesia and Vietnam - what could
block the meaning here after 9-11? Why would everyday and elite
perception assume that the Bush Jr. strategic cabal - who arranged the
usurpation of the U.S presidency and then waged a mass-murderous war
by false pretext led by many of the very same leading officials who
presided over death-squads and criminal secret deals destroying
countless lives in prior Republican administrations - would be above
allowing 9-11 when it gave them and U.S. corporate empire
unprecedented new domestic and foreign powers? What would have been
done differently any step of the way had all been strategically
planned? The real difficulty here is to find compelling evidence
against this hypothesis - for example, some loss or harm to any of the
Bush executives who reaped such vast rewards by the show attack. There
is no such exculpating evidence.
In place of contra-indicative evidence, the ruling assumption is that
“they could never do such a thing” - an expression of the wider
religion of America analysed ahead. In the background of history, the
motivations for murderous crimes by state leaders against their own
citizens are familiar enough, the warp and woof of supreme power.
Making others terrified is the logic of control within the framing
game of the regulating group-mind across its variations. All Henry II
required to murder the Archbishop of Canterbury was a question in
front of those who served him. So why would distinctively
power-corrupted men facing the biggest early presidential popularity
slide in polling history and enmeshment in the greatest electoral and
business frauds in all U.S. history, and a sliding market recession
after the stockmarket meltdown which their criminally fraudulent chief
financer led - just turn away from letting a planned option scenario
which would save them go ahead? Would there not have to be a group
delusion, perhaps operating across the individuals themselves, to make
all the normal questions unthinkable even as their accumulating
collapse on all fronts was reversed overnight into public adulation
and near absolute power?
Just such a structure of delusion may be provided by the deification
of the President bearing America’s “manifest destiny to save the
fallen world by her God-given power”.46 Certainly, implication of “the
President of the United States of America” in the terrorist attack
would unbearably contradict ruling assumption. A murderous complicity
to gain cabal and nation-state world command would hardly fit the
ruling religion of America’s self-conception as God-blessed and
inspired in her “shining city on the hill”. So which goes - the faith
in America’s greatness and goodness in the world, or the facts which
disclose the opposite at the very top? At some point, the systematic
block against reality discloses to us the demonstrable zone of the
unthinkable - the defining limit of the group-mind.47
“Conspiracy theory” is the stigma term to fence off the taboo zone,
just as “communist” once was to alternatives to the American way. Few
ask, “Do you prefer coincidence theory?” If they did, the term of
abuse would change - perhaps to “anti-American” or “terrorist”. By one
invalidating predicate or another, the unthinkable is blocked out a
priori. But would it not be perfectly rational in the market logic of
calculated risk for this regime’s top-secret planners and their
principals to exploit the greatest opportunity of history to establish
their planned “full spectrum dominance” if they were positioned to
allow it on fast track? Would not the managed risk of being able to
control investigations for the next four years and to denounce any
accuser as a “unpatriotic” and “betraying America at war”not be worth
the chance in the ruling market calculus? Why would this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not have been considered as an option
when mass-kill nuclear-attack options have long been a daily fare of
U.S. national security analysis? Would it not, in fact, be irrational
from the strategic war-gaming standpoint to forfeit an unprecedentedly
great payoff matrix to save fewer lives than three months of U.S.
traffic accidents?
These were chief executives trained to seize every opportunity for
self and corporate gain managing at the geostrategic level in which
the most ruthless decision scenarios are produced by which millions
die. Was there anything in the known record to indicate any aversion
of any of them to self-maximizing rationality at these levels? Bear in
mind more U.S. soldiers were killed or maimed within months by the
Iraq occupation itself than American civilians on 9-11. Recall as well
Rumsfeld’s response to innocent women and children slaughtered by
American bombs - “Stuff happens”.48 Even outside the realpolitik of
world empire, the corporate market calculus is seldom deterred by
“externalities”of others’ deaths, and these were all corporate CEO’s
of the most aggressive kind. Why, then, would they be so “soft” as to
fear taking far bigger pay-offs for their own group and U.S. global
empire? The regulating group-mind of the global corporate market
selects towards allowing 9-11, not against it. So why would this known
calculus in U.S. security as well as CEO circles be ruled out as
unthinkable in understanding 9-11?
There is a deeper general operation at work here than “the catalyzing
event” of 9-11 itself . This is the regulating market structure of
consciousness that selects what facts are seen and not seen in
accordance with whether it pays off to risk-takers and “feels good” to
consumers. This calculus operates altogether independently of whether
the object of desire is “true” or not, or life-serving rather than
deadly - these concepts being foreign to the market paradigm. The
deciding question is: “Can we sell it? Will they buy it?” Fear is the
undertow hook - do I look right? am I safe? - but desire is its
expression. Both moments join in the one episteme that all assume.
Buying and selling is “market freedom”, “our way of life”. “Finding
new wealth and markets” is the necessity of growth. Understanding the
market value system and epistemology is how we come to understand the
fear and aggression of 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars.
Certainly all prefer the pleasant certitudes that “America leads the
Free World”, and that its President or secret intelligence apparatus
“could not possibly” exploit the planning and execution of such a
crime as occurred on America’s soil on 9-11 and afterwards. Yet the
Bush administration’s chief executives counseled or endorsed prior
Republican President Reagan’s presiding over the smuggling of cocaine
into the U.S. to addict inner city Americans so as to illegally
finance war crimes against Nicaragua, and before that the arming of
the mullah dictatorship of Iran so that it held onto American hostages
long enough for the election to be lost by “the human rights
presidency of Jimmy Carter” - to, revealingly, the “anti-terrorist”
Reagan regime. The reason why such connections to past practices are
lost to view is that they are ruled out a priori by the ruling
group-mind. So long as there is no operational failure, there is no
problem to see.
When Ronald Reagan was provided with the pomp of national sainthood
after he fortuitously expired in May 2004 at the height of disquiet
about the U.S. torture regime in Iraq, we may remember his ultimate
legacy. “He made us feel good again”. “Feeling good” is the folksy
correlative of “utility function” and “welfare” in the neo-classical
market calculus. It is what the Constitution’s “pursuit of happiness”
has come to mean through the market prism. That is why the public
identification with Ronald Reagan was so deep whatever his falsehoods
and war crimes were in fact. Behind him was the same group-mind as
behind Bush junior 20 years later. In the continuity of history,
corporate CEO’s like Baker, Cheney, Rumsfeld and trans-administration
bureaucrats like Elliott Abrams and Paul Wolfowitz bridged the
generational turn to market and military absolutism as America’s
post-Vietnam triumph. “We will make America great again”.
Yet life consciousness exceeds the bounds of the prison within. The
marginalized ask questions. They do not block out the facts that
administration people stole the 2000 presidential election by
overriding legal voting procedures, rode on Enron jets and its
criminal financing to get there, and were on the watch on 9-11. They
know that this cabal succeeded in blocking Congressional access to
even official records of national energy policy secretly advised by
the same Enron executives. If they succeeded in cover-up there, why
not here? So those not constrained within the ruling thought-system
ask, why would anyone believe this group is above permitting 9-11 to
gain vast powers? “You are the Haves, and the Have Mores. You are my
base”, is Bush Junior’s known salute to those who take the most. Why,
then, has the most elementary query after any crime - cui bono? (who
benefits?) - been suspended from question about 9-11? When the most
self-evident line of thought has been blinkered out across a people,
only an a priori thought system can account for it. As with other
great problems of our era, the group-mind disconnects by stopping
thought before it arises.
That is why in all the public fixation on 9-11, the interests served
by its occurrence were, otherwise inexplicably, not related to
explanation of it. These payoffs, unprecedented in any presidency in
the history of the Republic, provide guidance in the taboo zone of the
unthinkable. Since their preemption from public discussion in North
America discloses critical tension at the heart of America between its
patriotic identity and its market presuppositions, these interests of
private capital, military empire and cabal power secured by 9-11 need
to be identified. They include open access to the world’s formerly
untouchable and greatest wealth resources, new command position over
public financing for subordinate militaries and police apparatuses not
only in the U.S. but across the globe, privatization of the world’s
richest publicly owned and state-controlled oilfields and the social
infrastructures they support, new declared right to suspend the
historical basis of rule by law, habeus corpus, to protect the
reigning order against subversion, legitimation of a president who
lost the election until illegal mass invalidation of votes by Bush
state officials and a stacked supreme court illegally confiscated
votes in the thousands in Florida and overturned the state’s
vote-recount laws, public diversion from the regime’s known corrupt
support and energy policy determination by the most criminally
fraudulent corporate leadership in American history, unprecedented new
powers for price leveraging of oil supplies and military services for
a “war without end”, new police powers across borders to imprison
without right of legal defense any one deemed to obstruct an
international trade and investment meeting, and - at the crest of
glory instead of ignominy - unlimited new rights of men with
draft-dodging pasts to command everyone else with fawning media
The problem of the collectively unthinkable runs deep into the
psyche.“I can’t believe - - ” is the sign pointing back to the
mind-block behind it. Even media consumers’ insatiable desire to know
the dark secrets of the famous is here quieted. The sentiment shared
among all who acquiesce that “the President could not possibly have
been involved in 9-11" was, by its own description, disconnected from
the issues of fact or truth. Throughout, one defining operation of the
ruling group-mind in all its forms prevailed. The reference points of
meaning were pegged beneath consciousness by determining
presuppositions which organize understanding to conform to them, and
to screen out all that does not. These on-off switches of the
group-mind are not natural drives or conscious instincts of survival,
but ruling assumptions which structure the heart and senses as well as
thought-system which selects, organises, and reinforces the felt sides
of being. Once these set-points of consciousness are fixed by dividing
lines of war, a fateful consequence follows. Their closure of
prejudice-set absolutely disconnects feeling and awareness from facts
and relations which conflict with the anchoring assumptions. In
response to the extreme pressures of forcing reality to conform to
manufactured delusions, the group and its members become increasingly
submerged within a pre-conscious field of hysteria, denials and
projections. In the case of 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars, the shadow subject
of the ruling group-mind and its executive vector propelled two war
criminal invasions of other societies and police-state laws across the
world in under three years.
We can see, if we do not turn away, the monstrous pattern across
pretexts and wars - the global market group-mind harnessed to the
American military juggernaut and a bottomless consumer maw that only
desires more.50 All serve one transnational regime - the globalizing,
U.S-led corporate market that occupies within and without with no
limit of growth or barrier of life need. Its system-deciding program
is based in a presupposed economic paradigm centuries old that has
become hardened into perceived laws of nature. With no limit of rule
and war fever as the mega-machine’s moving passion across borders, the
regulating program becomes mechanically homicidal. The atomized masses
of America and global corporate market expansion are made one in a
salvational fantasy of triumphing over the Enemy. At the same time,
disconnection of all attention from the failing conditions of human
existence follows by displacement. Market “externalities” become
“collateral damages” by war as well.
At the regulating centre rules the group-mind’s meta-program, by which
individual experience and perception themselves are preconsciously
organised. It is “the moral compass” that Republican operators invoke,
in terms of which coherence and meaning are found in whatever is
selected by the lead vector of the ruling group-mind to war upon next.
Here the system-decider is consistent across aggressions, but not
acknowledged because of its inhuman meaning. What is selected to
remove or destroy always advances the global corporate market over
formerly independent and self-organising forms of life, however false
the justifications or defenceless the victims in the way might be.
This too is a testable empirical generalisation. The goal is
proclaimed as “freedom” and “prosperity” through group-mind lenses,
but the process is structured throughout by command assumptions
beneath negotiation. In reality, one form of Other to the Free World
is selected for attack and appropriation - any autonomous, public or
civil commons sector that can be privatized for profit, and any
individuals, movements or societies obstructing the conversion. When
the moving line of global marketization is by “peaceful means”, it is
by strategic electoral marketing. When the appropriation is by armed
force, it must be preceded by a casus belli - which was 9-11's
The Regulating Principles of Market War and Peace
Since all within the mind frame of the ruling group-mind agree by
assumption on what “freedom”, “growth” and “future prosperity” mean,
the only question left is how to get there. Constructed pretext and
the doomsday bombing of innocent poor peoples are the extremist
recourse through the twentieth century. 9-11 fits with a larger
tradition, but for the first time promises “a market war everywhere
and without end”. Beneath the surface logic of “conspiracy to rule the
world” - revealingly projected onto “World Communism” in the previous
period - lies a core mode of aggression. It too is unthinkable within
the RGM, but its deepest line of advance is to negate all life limits
as they arise - the shadow meaning of “global market freedom”.
What can never be recognised by the regulating market group-mind is
the systemically life-destructive effects of its limitless expansion -
which must be continuous and maximal by its own internal logic. That
is why the ultimately carcinogenic nature of this process is never
penetrated even by those who - like the Club of Rome - sense a cancer
at work.51 They cannot connect it back to the logic of the global
market because this would contradict the ultimate assumption of the
ruling thought-system - that market growth is permanently necessary
and good. Only “growth” without mention of capitalism or the market
can be bad - thus, the growth of the populations of the non-consuming
poor must be the problem. “Anti-growth” perspective thus becomes
another variation on the ruling mind-set. Social scientists in general
express another variation on the same underlying meta-program of
thought - assuming or reifying market growth as akin to natural laws.
What increasingly follows from this ruling thought structure - the
system-decider of the whole - is evident for the world to see -
extinction spasms, climate destabilisation, forest and fishstock
drawdowns, polluted waters, and unbreathable urban air in cumulative
escalation. But here too, the coherent connection of structural cause
to structural effect is unthinkable to the set-points of the
regulating group-mind.
What then, more exactly, is this “ruling thought-system” - or, more
elliptically, “dominant paradigm” - which structures perception,
understanding and decision across the global market? It is the ruling
algorithm formalised by Command Assumptions 1-15 ahead. These decisive
assumptions are generic and assumed rather than demonstrated, and
together they regulate - consciously or preconsciously - the social
perception, understanding and judgement of the market RGM across
individuals and cultures at both cognitive and affective levels. The
foundational thought-system of (1) to (15) operates more or less
automatically, and thus forms the shadow identity structure of the
peoples of the Free World in the “era of globalization”.52
While these commanding presuppositions are entirely human in
construction, they appear as the external structure of necessity to
which “all must adapt to survive”. It is not an exaggeration to say
that all of planetary existence is now included as an actual or
potential object of these “laws of motion of the economy”- from the
genes of first people’s seeds to the ocean floors and the skies above.
America’s military supremacy across the borders of the world is the
high-tech investment vector and enforcement arm of the ever expanding
“global market process”. By its limitless “growth” and “globalization”
- concepts which unwittingly disclose the totalitarian nature of the
system - all conditions of life are progressively converted into its
subservient functions as the meaning of “development”, “progress”and
“civilization”. The 9-11 Wars are the militant forward edge of this
global corporate-market march, and its meta-program moves mechanically
on all fronts. But every step expresses a system-deciding logic which
is the ultimately deciding order of determination.
Trade, investment and political-legal treaties have been the system’s
mode of transnational advance since 1988, with thousands of articles
of prescription codified in such administrative instruments as NAFTA
and the WTO which are armoured against any elected legislature debate
by their international treaty form. Media and infotainment programs of
every kind are its communications relations for the public and
legislators, with only a very few ever reading their contents. But
behind and governing all levels of the global system is the invisibly
regulating market syntax of judgement which silently selects and
excludes what elites and populations think, decide and expect
throughout.53 Its format crosses divisions of persons and cultures as
the intersubjective “internal” order of the global meta-program, and
can be tested for its hold by any state-level policy or decision in
“the Free World”. Although it exerts its own lines of force as the
bounds and rules of social and especially elite consciousness, it is
presupposed beneath debate as the non-negotiable givens of it. Since
few in the market sciences or philosophies penetrate their own
parameters of discussion, and since each’s atomic methods block out
any group-mind a priori, they remain oblivious to this deeper level of
meaning and determination. When it is exposed even in part by
ground-breaking conception, its meaning is ignored or attacked -
including, revealingly, by the famous originator of the concept of
“paradigm revolution”itself.54 In such ways, it has become silently
obligatory in economic and related sciences to deny or foreclose any
social reality but self-maximizing individuals in aggregates connected
by social science statistics or paradigm models, but never a
“regulating group-mind”or “collective thought-system”. The first rule
of any RGM is that it cannot examine itself. Methodological preemption
is the ultimate level of closure against self-recognition.
The on-off switches of the regulating group-mind ramify up and down
the hierarchy of power and across social issues. Thus just as “more
government” or “socialism” are standard group-mind labels to block out
reason on public-sector formations,55 so in the 9-11 turn, one stigma
phrase, “conspiracy theory”, hypnotized populations into a set-point
of compliance. Complex systems do not continue intact unless all their
sub-systems collaborate. With the media as the speech and sign system
of the regulating group-mind, the “9-11 attack on America” permitted
what was impossible before it. It allowed an illegitimate
administration to transmute into America’s patriotic champion at war -
above accountability and the rule of law. “Defending America from
another terrorist attack” became a political blank cheque for
corporate corruption of government expenditures with impunity, war
criminal acts and threats across the Islamic and alternative third
world, and attacks on civil rights and commons at home. Nothing was
fated, but all was undertaken as if it was. “Necessity” prefaced every
turn to an ever more totalitarian rule of the unchallenged
“Counter-Terrorism” and “the theater of war” were assumed to be
“national security” while social organisation to protect and enable
citizen life from threats on it could not compute through the
regulating categories of meaning. What could also not be seen from the
ruling group standpoint was that the shadowy terrorists used the same
homicidal methods in dispossessed microcosm as the U.S.armed forces
did in billion-dollar-a-day macrocosm. What neither side’s standpoint
could see was that each required the other as demonic Enemy for every
step of the“war” strengthening the terror capacities and performances
of each in different degrees. That is why, at the preconscious level,
the war was declared to have no end. The logic was catastrophic and
self-propelling at escalating levels, but inaccessible to
comprehension by the mechanisms of the RGM, a derangement of many
variations. Thus every escalation predictably increased the terror on
the ground in proportion to the war against it which justified, in
turn, ever more vigilance and funds ahead of all else as “the only way
to eliminate the scourge of terrorism”. The group-mind by definition
compulsively blinkers out its effects the more they are the opposite
of declared objectives - as with “more global market growth” war on
nature to “enable better environmental protection”. Leaders and
followers continue in the same spirals in accordance with the same
command assumptions, and the only general constant of outcome once its
natural limits have been reached is more life and life condition
destruction by the meta-program. The movement from ruling group-mind
to cultural insanity is thus travelled with ever more certitude of
conviction and unthinkability of alternative.
In fact, terrorist-transfixed consciousness crossed elite and party
divisions from 9-11 to the next election, with the opposing 2004
Democratic platform emerging to frame humanity’s condition amidst
increasing ecological and majority-world meltdown as “The Post-9-11
World” in which the anti-terrorist measures, technologies,
inspections, controls and laws already in place were “not nearly
enough”.56 The costs for America and the world were far deeper and
wider than the narcissism of small differences on the stage. All
joined in round-the-clock proclamations of the “war against terror”
while, hardly seen, the devastating pollution and destruction of the
planet’s conditions of life proceeded at ever higher levels. “Higher
growth” and “more market spending” remained assumed as the natural
condition of survival, and more of both were generated by the war
without end. That life growth and well-being were, in fact, being
confiscated for more peoples and ecosystems was “out of touch with
reality” through the lenses of the ruling group-mind. Reversal
operations by consensual assumptions are the RGM’s reproductive cycle.
The shadow on the wall grew all the while greater. The alternative
super-power looming on the horizon, China, multiplied the U.S.’s
monetized growth rates and escalated destructions of nature and rural
livelihoods as a “new market miracle” - now presided over by the
Communist Party.
In this way, the world’s increasingly deadly environmental and social
problems were resolved by being both compounded and blinkered out. The
global-market crusades led the dimly known and ancient path of
collective insanity, but at a world level of destruction - blocking
the systemic causes from view by methodological avoidance and
repudiation of “negative thinking”, while stepping up the life-world
devastation as “necessary market growth”. The public sectors whose
collective actions could alone meet the problems of the failing global
market paradigm were, at the same time, drained by the military costs
of over a billion-dollars-a-day on U.S-led market wars and
simultaneous multi-hundred-billions of tax-cuts to the wealthy. All
proceeded in accordance with the regulating market principles, but the
deadly effects could not be seen through its categories of judgement.
Instead, market panaceas were now proposed for the war-devastated
Middle East which lacked even intact public water systems. The United
Nations Development Program itself - the leader in promoting a Human
Development Index with basic life coordinates - switched into line and
stepped to the same drum-beat as the world market crusades. It
co-sponsored a U.S.-circulated plan for “G-8-Greater-Middle-East
Partnership” to prescribe the universal market solution - “an economic
transformation similar in magnitude to that undertaken by the formerly
communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe”. Improved life
means or livelihoods were not included in this “market
transformation”, nor any address of their decline in “the formerly
communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe” by reduced
nutrition of the majority, defunding of free education and health-care
provision, and radically new insecurity of livelihood for workers and
pensioners. These were unseen or accepted as “natural consequences of
market reforms”. Attention focused instead on the new market miracle
of “micro-finance” at hand. “A mere $100 million a year for five years
will lift 1.2 million entrepreneurs (750,000 of them women) out of
poverty through $400 loans to each”.57 As elsewhere, there was no
relationship between problem and solution, nor any connection of
understanding to the life-system problems involved. Disconnect was
again consensual.
In accordance with the locked-in assumptions, nations competed against
nations in producing market commodities at low cost for the prosperity
of all - thus privatizing, defunding and deregulating public sectors,
life-protective standards, and civil commons evolved over generations
so as to “achieve market efficiencies and growth”. The One Panacea was
assumed by all as Economic Law - from the British Labour government to
Putin Russia to the post-apartheid African National Congress. It
followed that the panacea be applied to the bombed-out Middle East as
well. That it had failed everywhere else on life measures was of no
moment to the regulating structure of understanding. Resistance arose
at the margins in many forms, but no “security measure” was taken that
did not project the terror onto resisters as justification for more of
the same. U.S. government “bioterrorist initiatives” exemplified in
microcosm the “public health in reverse”.58 That the “terrorist
threat” which spread terror everywhere was global market totalization
itself was inconceivable to the group-mind. Even as “the greatest
armed forces in history” invaded, bombed and tortured across the
heartlands of the ancient Middle East and Central Asia, all terrorism
was necessarily by the Other from which the armed resistance still
Many thinking people penetrated to the geostrategic pattern at work,
but not to the regulating group-mind prejudices behind it that crossed
continents and selected for every decision. The final system-decider
was not perceived any more than a computer program is conscious of
itself. “Terrorism” instead of “communism” was the changing designator
of system Enemy, but what was, in fact, attacked everywhere was any
social formation blocking access to the last great frontiers for
global market pricing, exploitation and control - far beyond Islamic
societies to the commons of space and the thinking mind itself.59
Conversely, what was selected with no limit of funding for its feeding
cycles were the U.S. armed and “security” forces and its allied
ancillary operations in other nations, along with free
infrastructures, tax holidays and increasing automatic subsidies for
successful transnational corporations “attracted to more
cost-effective investment conditions”.
In the historical background, David Rockefeller long ago expressed in
simple terms the lead vectors of the world system in the post-national
future. “A supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and
world bankers’, he advised in a leak from the June 1991 Bildersberg
annual meeting,” is surely preferable to the national
autodetermination practiced in past centuries”. The steering mechanism
of mind-and-money that Rockefeller and the Bildersberg meeting shared
was also borne by the directing centers of the main political parties,
careerist and entrepreneur academics, the corporate press, and
leading-brand political classes across the world. The ideal was
largely in place so far as all nations had accepted International
Monetary Fund conditions as their financial frameworks for
privatization, de-regulation, defunding of public sectors,
homogenous-export economies, and open borders to transnational
corporate commodities. These were the heady realms of “neo-classical
theory” and “financialization”. In the more enthusiastic foreground of
market worship, tens of millions of poorer and working-class devotees
paid to pray for the profit returns of God’s grace, and the most
devout awaited Armageddon and the Rapture to come. The group-mind only
prevails by having many levels of certitude and devotion.
For market science itself, the magic of the invisible hand infallibly
transfigured the limitless desires of market selves into “the public
welfare” - the meaning of the First Theorem of Welfare Economics, the
mathematical ideal of market theory which deduces that purely
self-seeking market agents will necessarily produce a providential
outcome of “the public welfare”.60
But a ruling group-mind requires the zeal of the private imaginary
too. This was the American Dream which moved its creatures as the
shining light of the market soul, the dream that “anyone can get rich”
- as Ronald Reagan’s put it in the language of everyman. The 9-11 turn
to war across the Middle East, Baghdad and Mongol Asia was thus
launched in a moral universe in which the intersection of divine plan
and history was already set. America, God’s contemporary chosen nation
with all the world as its Canaan, moved rapidly on the ground to
fulfil its grand mission - to liberate peoples everywhere to the
promised land of “market freedom and democracy”. The material meaning
- full spectrum U.S. military and corporate dominance of every asset
perceived necessary with no outer or inner perimeter to the right of
invasion by financial or armed means to secure it - was “the last best
hope of humankind”. As the intellectual elite agreed, only a Leviathan
can keep order, and only money provides a medium of value that allows
commensurable objects to measure.61
The conversion of all life organisation and conditions into
commodities to mediate money sequences in perpetual increase was not a
problem that was seen by neo-classical economics or political science
because it was already known to be the nature of the real world. Thus
ever more of earth existence was converted into variations of “market
growth” - from privatized water systems across the world to the
engineered chemicals and genes of future frankenfoods and obesity,
from the oilfields of poor countries to virgin air and cyberspace”.62
Peoples variously rebelled against the instances - in Cochabamba, the
Niger Delta, the European food market, and the anti-Star Wars movement
- but the ruling shadow subject, the deciding market group-mind, was
not conscious of any meaning beyond itself. “Grow or die” was the
motto of reproduction and increase, the new evolutionary mechanism on
earth - with money demand, not life need, as the finally regulating
value command. Accordingly, only more market money transactions for
priced commodities computed as “development” or “well-being”. Since
life itself did not count in the ruling metric, its degradation and
destruction did not register in National Accounts.
The problem of corporate market corruption of the social order was
evident in its germinal state to Abraham Lincoln over a century ago.
Lincoln privately warned of a problem whose name is unspoken in
economics texts. “As a result of the war”, Lincoln warned,
“corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high
places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour
to prolong its reign until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and
the Republic is destroyed”.63 Lincoln was duly assassinated within a
few months - by the “lone assassin” central to American mythology.
U.S. corporate rule has since been instituted across the world and
triumphalist over all alternatives, destabilizes and invades wherever
there is room for more “freedom” and “development” for
money-sequencing operations which all peoples compete to enlarge. The
9-11 Wars have been a turning-point symptom in this meta-pattern of
modern history, but the rigid set-points of the regulating thought
system command from behind throughout. Corporate oligopoly that
overrides all life limits follows deductively from the market thought
regime.64 As long as no public authority recognises the bearings of
shared life coordinates, and charters its “corporate citizens”
accordingly, there is only more systematic life destruction by the
imperatives of the system whose metric disregards life-despoiling
effects as “externalities”.65
The “soulless mega-machine”, in Lewis Mumford’s phrase, is not
dependent on this or that U.S. administration, but each helps to
determine the extent to which its prescriptions rapaciously invade and
transmute life-systems. The Bush Jr. administration has wherever
possible bypassed or repudiated limiting domestic and international
laws as expression of “our freedom”. Academic report of his own
convictions confirm an exemplary creature of the ruling group-mind.66
Regulating the larger global market before and after his regime,
however, are command assumptions in terms of which all decisions are
made by its bearers - the thought infrastructure of “the Free World”.
These regulating principles are, in turn, preconsciously life-blind.
That is, they are not altered by nor sensitive to any facts of life
loss, however systemic. Only price signals can register to the ruling
calculus, which is indifferent to life requirements unless controlled
by non-market values. This life-blind calculus is perceived, however,
as “scientific rigour” which is much prized. From the Thatcher-Reagan
turn on, its command prescriptions escalated as the One True Faith of
our era. As in former times, the assumptions of an Invisible Hand rule
steer the group-mind. But the providence of the Market is not doubted
even by Science.
Understood within the larger reference body of history, the meta
program which regulates the perception and understanding of our epoch
was formally born in 1776, the year of Adam Smith’s first testament,
An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth of Nations and the
year of the American Revolution across the Atlantic Ocean. Its ruling
presuppositions form the framing metaphysic of market monotheism and,
ultimately, the 9-11 Wars which are its New Crusades where armed
invasion is again the corporate market’s moving line of world
expansion. Since the end of the opposing superpower system in1991, its
global paradigm has been internalised as the consensual structure of
acceptable perception. It has become the “no-alternative” determiner
of social meaning to which all official cultures across the world -
except the “Axis of Evil” - tacitly conform; and to which every ruling
political party defers as the silent first condition of contesting
national elections. Elections themselves, in turn, have morphed into
marketing competitions between advertised brand products, yet are
assumed as the only kind of democracy and freedom that exists.
The fall of the Soviet state, we might say, was the rebirth of the
market group-mind as not only having “no alternative” anywhere, but
“the end of history”. 9-11 marked a second and less visible
turning-point towards universal corporate-market rule. That is, it
legitimated as “self-defense” pre-emptive armed attack on any movement
or force that was opposed - whether unarmed “violence-threatening
protestors” in domestic public spaces, or “suspected terrorists” in
civilian populations of the militarily occupied world. Behind all the
variations of times and conditions, one unexamined reference body of
thought ruled as the set-points of human freedom and well-being. Its
inner logic determined every step of the post-1988 global market
crusades, first by transnational trade and investment treaty-fiats
inalterable by elected legislatures, and secondly by the machinery of
war since September 11, 2001. What before 9-11 was a world becoming
aware of the life-despoiling mechanics of the global corporate system
and its one-sided decrees binding societies to its agenda was, after
9-11, a monoculture of “the war against terrorism”. Disconnection from
every real problem which humanity faces of collapsing life-support
systems was in this way licensed as a global as well as patriotic
We need to keep in mind here a forgotten fact - that it was one month
before 9-11 in Genoa, Italy that the greatest international
demonstration ever (over 500,000 people) mobilized against the global
market’s rule by treaty edicts and binding prescriptions on societies
which recognised only corporate investor rights. In harbinger of the
post-9-11 days to come, warplanes flew overhead to intimidate the
demonstrators, and police beat hundreds while they slept as
“terrorists”.67 9-11 stopped the citizen tide of growing protests
overnight, and set in motion legal changes across nations to imprison
as “terrorists” anyone who “obstructed” by labour strike,
demonstration or body infringement of vehicles any “international
meeting” - such as the “anti-globalization protests” which had been
increasingly arising prior to 9-11.68
In short, 9-11 served an unspoken function of world-historical
importance. It war-drummed off the world stage all protests against
the globalizing corporate market, and liberated corporate states to
proceed without “obstacles to trade and investment” presented by
people and societies.69 The Iraq invasion was a demonstration to the
larger global community of the U.S. supreme power ready to override
borders by force of arms as it willed after 9-11 - its “credibility to
the world”. Behind the universal demand of “free markets and
democracy”, the right to make war on whatever did not concede to the
prescribed formulae was asserted. The subject which ultimately ruled
within and across elites and peoples was not led by, but led the
possessing classes, the armies and state executives. The regulating
sovereign was a meta-program, and all official culture conformed to
its command assumptions as revealed laws of nature. Beneath learned
awareness, it was a total metaphysical, epistemological and moral
system, more absolutist in social prescription than the Universal
Church Militant preceding it. All was perceived, understood and
prescribed through a prism of assumptions and received truths. We can
unpack the layers of this “regime within” by a 15-step algorithm of
principle-sets interlocked as one organising, generic thought-system.
Its inner logic of command is what we refer to as “the regulating
market group-mind”:
(1) Pursuit of maximal monetary assets and commodities for oneself is:
i: natural for humans, however this natural fact may be denied,
ii: rational in all places and times, and
iii: necessary for all social progress and development;
(2) There is no rightful limit on capital and commodity accumulation
or inequality, nor any social or human right to redistribution, by
natural laws of property right and economic development;
(3) Freedom to buy and sell in self-maximizing transactions of money
and priced commodities is the proven basis of all economic efficiency,
and there is no outer limit to this system’s rightful globalization;
(4) The market’s money-price system always optimally allocates
resources and distributes goods and services in every society to
ensure the best of all possible worlds in that society as well as
(5) Competitive money-profit maximization by investors is the engine
of all economic and social advance, and must be liberated from state
regulation or “monopoly” public ownership to preserve and advance
social and economic progress;
(6) Government intervention in self-regulating market competition is
only justified if required for market security and growth, but is
“dictatorial” by any violation of “free market flows of commodities
and capital”;
(7) Individual consumer desires are permanently increasing and
unlimited, and everyone everywhere wants more commodities to satisfy
them as their primary choice and freedom in the world;
(8) Every consumer good people need or want must be produced and
distributed by the market in proportion to the “effective demand” for
it, that is, the possession of sufficient money to pay as the
economy’s selector of fitness to survive;
(9) The public interest and human welfare can only be achieved and
developed by market competition of producers and sellers because it
alone provides incentives for labour, cost efficiencies and
technological innovations which are the bases of the wealth of
nations, freedom and human well-being:
(10) Market growth is therefore always beneficial with no limit to its
conversion of planetary and human life-organization into more market
activities, more commodities for consumers, and more investment
profits for successful firms in the limitless expansion of
“development”, “progress” and “civilisation”;
(11) Protection of domestic production is the disastrous policy of
“protectionism”, although subsidization of leading transnational
enterprises is sometimes necessary in the “new competitive reality” of
the global market;
(12) Whatever facts of life disaster (such as mass loss of livelihood
and environmental pollution) may seem to contradict the necessity and
validity of market principles (1) through (11), they are only
correctable by more rigorous understanding and application of market
(13) If the “creative destruction” by global capitalism destroys
ancient settings and ways of life, these are unavoidable costs of
development and progress which the market necessitates, and can only
be properly solved by “substitute technologies” and “market price
mechanisms” as distinguished from “dictatorial state prohibitions” and
“socialist slavery”;
(14) Individuals, groups or governments which doubt or criticize: i:
the supremacy of the market system, ii: the inherent efficiency of its
production and distribution of goods, or iii: the freedom of its
agents thereby reject “the free market and democracy”;
(15) Any and all societies, parties or governments which cling to or
seek any alternative of economic organization are necessarily
“irrational” or “despotic”, and must be overcome to defend the Free
World, including by armed force wherever necessary.
These covert commands of world rule form the “regulating market
group-mind” to which published thought and speech in the global market
normally conforms, and to which governments defer to survive in “the
new reality”. Together they constitute a system-deciding algorithm of
how to live for “free peoples”. Since “the overwhelming majority of
people agree”, whether by tacit agreement or militant prescription,
the universally binding system is not perceived as binding or
prescriptive, but as “natural” and “necessary”. In theory and
representation, the words “corporation”, “transnational corporations”
and “corporate power” - which denote the actually ruling mechanisms of
power - are unspoken in all official and economic literature because
they signify the earthly reality that the ruling group-mind is
structured to block out. On the ground, the ruling thought-system is
increasingly expressed by the competitively expanding rule of the
global corporate market restructuring all fields of human and natural
being as “market growth” which all agree is necessary and good.
A simple question tests the hold of this regulating group-mind as an
absolutist and universal thought regime. What government, mass medium
or neo-classical economist does not conform to each and all of (1) to
(15) in speech and judgement? Some U.S. administrations may be
described as more extreme than others in the use of armed force
against non-market uprisings and societies, but which if any of these
principles is overtly violated by any government or even opposition in
“the Free World”? Who in public life acknowledges that any society may
hold to or pursue any other path? The debate is preconsciously limited
to narrow parameters within which the market’s tolerance is normally
confined. The limits of debate and criticism are set by the assumption
that any alternative system is inherently inferior or evil, with any
socialist formation, in particular, requiring “economic restructuring”
to “join the community of free nations”. Beneath observation, no
market principle rules out the armed invasion of any non-market
society or development that does not conform. All market precepts have
selected for “market expansion” as desirable and inevitable since its
genocides of the first peoples began over five centuries ago. That
“tolerance” is universally supposed by intellectuals as the lead
virtue of the “free market” discloses the preconscious hold of its
prejudice-set. The command principles of social life reproduction have
become as inviolable as their own prescriptions once were to the
former Universal Church.
The Market Rationality of the 9-11 Attack on America
To understand our problem at the site of a current taboo zone of
thought, we may ask: how would the U.S. executive construction of 9-11
itself violate any market principle? Or, more directly, what in market
logic or value-set does not affirm its consequences of market growth
and globalization? The answer may be that the sacrifice of 2700 lives
on 9-11 was too great to be countenanced by any sane mind. Yet this
answer fails to recognise that the only cost recognised by the market
calculus is a cost to business. All other costs are, accordingly,
classified as “(negative) externalities”. Human or natural life loss
therefore do not compute in any market theorem. Only the incomes of
market agents count to its metric of value. This is not polemic. It is
the defining meta-principle of the market thought system, but
unthinkable insofar as it conflicts with deeper intuitions of life
value in itself.70
The money costs of an act of terrorism are also excluded under rules
of insurance exemption, and so are borne by victims and the public
purse. In further fact relevant to market gains and losses, the U.S.
market was in a deep slide prior to September 11, 2001 - largely due
to the burst speculative bubble which Bush Jr.’s own chief electoral
financier, Ken Lay of Enron, helped to lead. 9-11 then stimulated
massive new state spending on construction, military purchases, and a
war that alone added an estimated $100 billion a year to a
billion-dollar-a-day military budget. This infusion of public wealth
into “the war against terrorism” - after a short stockmarket dip -
propelled a U.S. market recovery within two months. All along, the
pre-9-11 recession was perceived as “another terrible blow for America
by the 9-11 terrorist attack”. This reversal of facts followed from
regulating market lenses. That is to say, and the claim can be tested,
any facts which do not fit market presuppositions are adjusted so that
they do. This is a continuous process of adapting facts to the ruling
paradigm, as opposed to adjusting the ruling paradigm to accommodate
the facts. It is another indicator of the dominant paradigm’s
cumulative collapse as a coherent thought system.71
The market meta-program also favours 9-11 by seeking its market-growth
consequences as primary imperative - not just market growth out of
recession by an infusion of investment and demand by military and
related spending, but more deeply, by the destruction of a non-market
society and consequent access to its assets (which in this case may
have exceeded in value all energy assets held in the industrial Free
World). Such an outcome is the maximum good conceivable through market
sets-points of valuation, and accordingly steers geopolitical strategy
of market states as a given of payoff options.72 On the level of
theory, only necessary and beneficent effects can be seen. On the
level of liberal democratic sentiment, “removing a brutal dictator for
a free market economy and democratic process”is an a priori good of
the highest order. Understanding from this multi-level calculus of the
market thought regime, even 2700 people killed in the World Trade
Centre is not an issue to detain the tough-minded. In principle, as we
know, deaths do not compute to market yardsticks of value except as
lost incomes. On the geo-strategic plane of the world’s super state,
the issue is clearer still. Decision here, the record shows, is
perfectly indifferent to loss of life so far as it directly or
indirectly advances U.S. investment interests and military control to
defend them.73
If overthrow of a non-market dictatorship blocking access to the
global market’s most precious and increasingly scarce wealth is
maximally good to the ruling value-set, then nothing that goes wrong
can countervail these asset gains from its standpoint. Optimal states
of expectation - as subsequent history confirms - thus predictably
followed in train after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Liberty
and economic development were invariably perceived through the prism
of market judgement - extension of more efficient market relations of
production and distribution to the locked-in resources and peoples
involved, new private capital formations and freedoms, opportunities
for spectacular market growth where before there was none, relief of
consumers from inefficient Arab monopoly of oil, a competitive price
system to properly deploy and allocate resources instead of an
“Islamic or socialist prison” keeping the people in “backward
dependency on handouts and subsidies”, and “historic new vistas for
foreign capital and local entrepreneurs to lead both Afghanistani and
Iraqui societies out of the dark ages to development and freedom”.
Annunciations of “the first Islamic market miracle”were on the lips of
market believers before the electricity was back on.
In short, market magic-thinking prevailed in accord with the
principles of the regulating market group-mind even in the face of
mass homicidal consequences. Expected “optimums” and “miracles” were
known to follow from society’s conversion to market laws. The invasion
itself was understood in terms of these expectations from starting
plan on through successive disasters of occupation. Yet no-one
appeared to connect back to the set-points of the market paradigm
which generated the illusions. Why would this be? The market
prejudice-set explains what nothing else can - that there was no U.S.
post-invasion plan to rebuild an economy shattered by two U.S.
saturation bombings and 12 years of U.S.-enforced sanctions, no plan -
as distinguished from non-bid contracts to favoured corporations - to
rebuild the destroyed life infrastructure that had killed over 500,000
children. There was, in fact, no social plan at all because this was
not in accord with the ruling assumptions of the market
In ascendant market logic - as F.A. Hayek and his disciple, Margaret
Thatcher proclaimed from before the beginning of the neo-classical
revival - “economic planning is serfdom”, or, more metaphysically,
“there is no such thing as society - there are only consumers and
firms”. Market-state “liberation” was, in Iraq or elsewhere, thus
certain to bring new freedom and prosperity to a “long-shackled
command economy”. If 9-11 would lead to such beneficent consequences
once the opportunity was seized, and this optimal expectation followed
from the ruling principles, then why would it be wrong for a
risk-taking leadership to “allow its great challenge and incomparable
opportunities”? New freedoms for foreign investment and for
individuals to produce, to exchange and to compete were known
beforehand to ensure economic well-being for all - even after Moscow
and Kabul had quickly became unlivable by the same formulae, and even
after Iraq’s infrastructures had also been bombed and embargoed into
genocidal devastation. If all that could be seen through the market
prism was good news, why not here? “Shock and awe”on the geopolitical
front, “shock treatment” on the domestic front. Each was “necessary
for market restructuring”and “society’s freedom and development”. The
invasion of Iraq was the reproduction in macrocosm of what was an
already known in national microcosm - privatization of a “failing
state enterprise”, with the “necessary sacrifices” of people’s
livelihoods on a corresponding scale.
The metaphysical assumptions at work disclose a systematic disconnect
from life reality. When Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz,
expected flowers of welcome thrown in the streets in a Paris-like
welcome of the liberators, he was expressing the ruling market
group-mind of which he was a lead creature. He was not alone in his
structure of thinking. Almost no-one in the official world has
proposed another path than “necessary sacrifices” for redemption by
“market structural adjustments and society-wide reforms” over 20
years. Thus the complete incapacity of the market-state invaders of
Iraq to provide even collective security from attack, or the most
basic infrastructures of water and electricity, let alone food and
employment or healthcare or education - was not anywhere related to
the ruling economic paradigm in terms of whose magical thinking one
disaster after another had happened across borders and continents for
20 years - from Argentina to Russia to Indonesia.74 The promised land
was built a priori into the ruling model, but even after decades of
disaster the transition was assumed as “inevitable”and with “no
alternative”. No-one imagined to ask: Could any mumming of slogans and
life destruction from the Dark Ages rival this mass-sacrifice regime
as deliverance?
No-one on stage, including even Left commentators, seemed to question
the fact that “we liberated Iraq”.75 The hold of the regulating market
group-mind across factions and disagreements remained fixed - the
unseen common ground of the “stay in Iraq” imperative intractably
assumed across competing U.S. party establishments through every
disaster of support and policy. The fact that Iraqui society had long
led the region in health indicators prior to the U.S. invasions, and
was now, in looted ruins, chorally proclaimed “liberated” disclosed
the collective mental disorder. But none connected the effects back to
their causal structure.
The market value-set, in fact, selected towards every step from 9-11
on. “Selling the goods” has many meanings. The deepest prejudice of
the market meta-program underneath its apparently scientific
mathematical notations is that it conceives all that exists in terms
of money inputs, throughputs and outputs in ratios of minimum cost and
maximum revenue/commodities for private business/consumers. For the
regulating thought-system, these money sequences are laws of nature
and reality, and societies either “adapt” to them or do not survive.
There is nothing in its calculus, therefore, to deter rather than to
favour any life destruction that yields awesome market opportunities,
including a once-off terrorist spectacle. To track the program here is
unthinkable, but advisable. It reveals the warp of the regulating
paradigm itself. The concept of “necessary sacrifices” for tradeoffs
between increased market returns and lost livelihoods and lives is
known well, but is suspended along with other questions, in
understanding 9-11. If the market calculus does not compute life lost
or gained but only priceable assets and gains, while its
national-security calculus does not recognise law as binding on
actions “to protect U.S. interests and investments abroad”, then why
not let the attack come to secure both? If the most systemic and
global life destructions of our time, including ecological collapse
and the obesity-malnutrition outcome, can continue to escalate even
after the consequences are known with only denials or fig-leaves in
response, then why not 9-11 and a far bigger pay-off matrix? The truth
is that no market principle rules out any of these horrific
consequences, and all select towards them.
The U.S. geopolitical calculus is based on defence of U.S. corporate
market interests, present and future, and there are, as we know, few
or no U.S.-recognised constraints of law on “national security”
matters and reasons. If 9-11 was planned by a former lead ally of U.S.
national security planners, Osama bin Laden, and then enacted by the
“moral equivalents of the founding fathers”, as sanctified U.S.
President Reagan called the Taliban and their allies in their
U.S.-armed war against yet another secular socialist government, why
would it not have been also game-planned in the normal way as an
option scenario? We need to bear in mind here that all economic and
armed-force strategic planning pivots around the “payoff matrix” of
decisions. This is the meaning of “rationality” for all of the
interlocked market thought-systems, including major areas of moral and
political philosophy (eg., the self-maximizing contractarian model in
both of these fields). We need also to understand that the strategy
frameworks of this “rationality” are military in prototype and
development, the logical core of economic theory as well as military
strategy since 1950.76 We need then to recognise that the unthinkable
is the standardly desired zone of effective strategy in both military
and market thought-systems.
Since the very conceptual frameworks of market and military sciences
have been increasingly coextensive at the U.S. leading edge since the
Second Great War, why would we expect them to be suspended only
Why would this scenario already repeatedly anticipated not have been
gamed when long-term market treasure and U.S. military rights across
the Middle East and Central Asia were at stake? The payoff matrix to
the principals and financers of the Bush Jr. administration of the
9-11 turn has been explained above, along with the wider payoffs to
U.S. global market empire and its most precious resource. This pay-off
set also grows greater the more “the war on terror” appropriates
public resources and attention to enrich and empower the same
military, oil and corporate-state interests. At the same time, the
military-industrial complex of the U.S., NATO, Middle East and world
markets become more interlocked and mutually profitable across
continents the more this system is positioned for new pathways of
expansion. The peerlessly lucrative exchange corridors of Saudi oil
money for U.S. arms and world oil price-setting itself are just two
key elements. 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars, in short, enable favourable
payoff options on all fronts at the maximizing margins. In light of
these history-determining pathways of decision, we may see how the
regulating market thought-system increasingly articulates itself
through human actors as the “shadow subject” behind every preference,
policy and self-maximizing choice.
To lose the golden opportunity to achieve fast-track U.S.
“full-spectrum dominance”and maximal self-profit at the same time
would, therefore, not make sense within the parameters of the ruling
order of rationality and value. It would forfeit vast increase in
domestic and world right to command, the unpopular Bush regime’s gain
of legitimacy as a war presidency, and new control over the greatest
regional resource of global market assets in U.S. history.
Cost-benefit analysis beforehand, then, would rationally expect asset
gains of unprecedented magnitude, with minimal prospective losses. In
strategic terms, the decision path and outcomes were irresistibly
attractive. In historical terms, 9-11 spurred the 9-11 Wars which, in
fact, expanded U.S.-led market control over former great obstacles of
alien borders, Islamic culture, and barriers to control of the world’s
greatest natural riches on the basis of completely predictable
military dominance. From the standpoint of the market and military
calculus, in sum, 9-11 propelled every step of a process culminating
in a super-maximizing pay-off matrix. It would be irrational to think
that such calculations were inaccessible to those whose motive,
purpose and training is to deduce them.78 Conversely, nothing else but
9-11 (or its like) could have enabled any one of these priority
objectives to be achieved in this time frame- as prior strategic
policy formation was clear in recognising. The hidden system decider
throughout, the market-military calculus, forms a consistent
explanatory through-line to the present that explains what is
otherwise multiply anomalous.
Yet there is another plane of “moral compass” which needs to fix on
9-11 and the 9-11 Wars to “capture hearts and minds” for the mass
support within America which would be required to sustain such a
revolutionary strategic path in the face of predictable domestic and
foreign opposition to the lack of demonstrated cause - “the
religious-moral factor” to be analysed ahead. Technically, the
background variables are all favourable for execution of the strategic
option that yields maximum payoffs to U.S. domination. Global market
operations prevent no obstacles for whoever plans the hijack
logistics, and assist every step required. Effectively anonymous
bank-laundered money accounts are daily and profitably processed by
market agents in accordance with the instructions of principals - for
example, by delegating functions unconnected with each other and
through proxies of instruction. As well, the rule of international and
national criminal law does not bind al Qaeda and has been publicly
repudiated by the Bush Jr. administration as inapplicable to
Americans, while U.S. national law has never led to impeachment of a
“President at War”. The family of bin Laden was not even questioned.
Desired delivery of market goods with payment in cash on time can
always be fast-track and secretive by at least Swiss bank conduits,
and so market money demand and mutually profitable exchanges can
traverse most of the necessary conditions - including paying for
services to well-placed positions for turning the other way at
undetectable moments of the exactly timed sequencing. It is a matter
of record that market transactions allow for anything that conforms to
the relations of price, profit and exchange - slavery, mass murder,
buying of politicians and warlords, trafficking in deadly commodities
in mass volumes, payoffs of government and military functionaries.
There is no limit even within scholastic market axioms.
As is well known, there were even escalated put options on airline
stock before 9-11 in evident foreknowledge of the fall of airlines
stocks from the hijacks, and no arrests were made. I will not try to
repeat here all the evidences of foreknowledge which are already
documented. But covert operations at the political level were needed
to execute the transnational through-line of strategic war actions
after 9-11 with public support. The mistake - which Ground Zero
institutionalises - is to disconnect 9-11 from what preceded and
followed it. But if we consider the historical continuum as it in fact
occurred, the connections are restored. One level of explanation
remains, however, to understand the logic of the public political
passion that could have embraced the official story of 9-11 and 9-11
Wars with no kickback of de-legitimization. Here as well, a life-blind
thought system regulated beneath the actors’ consciousness of it, the
ruling group-mind at the level of patriotic identity.
The Religion and Group-Mind of America Behind the U.S. War State
Nothing else but a profound wellspring of ready emotional
identification could have motivated a collective mind-block in America
against the most elementary forensic questions on this
administration’s official story of 9-11, and then overwhelming
approval of war criminal invasion of two other societies en route to
or on vast oil reserves, the second society with no remotely
demonstrated connection to the 9-11 attack. For ordinary people as
well as elected legislators to remain silent or enthusiastically
support such an historical sequence of events, something more than
market motivation is required to explain the phenomenon. Here
explanation must move to another plane - the plane of what may be
called “the religion of America”. On this plane of verstehen,
understanding from the inside, the ruling group-mind is transparent.
It centers on “the President of the United States” as one and
identical with “America” and its “divinely ordained mission to
liberate humankind”.79 In fact, operationally, “the President” means
the U.S. national security apparatus and its infotainment feeding
system to the U.S. and world media. From this hallowed pulpit of both
sacred and secular power, a currently dominant faction, the rulers of
the party in office, propagates the good news of the collective faith
and supreme power of which the U.S. presidency is “the highest office
on earth”. On the everyday level, the instant culture of endless
market miracles and wonders holds all classes in a mesmerism of the
expectant present moment.80 The ultimate moment of the religion of
America is the “clear and present danger”of the Enemy, in struggle
against which American heroes are made. It is in such clarion moments
that the quintessential operations of the group-mind of America are
most clearly evident.
To put the matter in wider terms, the religion of America propels and
legitimates the wider global market crusade with America as the
world’s saviour state - “the leader of the Free World”, serving “a
higher destiny” to liberate all peoples. This is the spiritual point
d’honneur of the ruling group-mind across borders, and it is what
appeals directly to the hearts and minds of Americans, their “loyal
allies”, and free market believers in general. One sees and hears this
collective self-worship proclaimed around the clock even in other
countries thousands of miles away. “This great country of ours”, “the
greatest country in the world”, “the leader of freedom-loving peoples
everywhere”, “the last best hope of humankind” are choral epithets of
America’s self-description widely carried by others as political and
economic fact. “The idea of America”, echoes the subdued John Kerry at
the height of his campaign to dislodge a “polar opposite” George Bush
as President, “is, I think proudly and chauvinistically, the best idea
we’ve developed in this world”.81 The concept of America as an “idea”
with no base or qualifier discloses the nature of the reference body
which the ruling group-mind adopts as its ultimate value and meaning.
It is by definition delinked from the life-ground.
The self-conception of America as supreme on earth in matters of
significance is obligatory in public policy formation and expression
of acceptable opinion in America. Famous “anti-foundationalist”,
Richard Rorty, for example, propagates the meaning of “American
democracy” and “the human rights society” as given without any thought
of contrary fact to his assumptions occurring once throughout an
indefatigable corpus of cynicism about truth.82 There are many
variations of expression on the American group-mind. It rules outside
America in the dominant idea that the U.S. is “the undisputed leader
of the Free World”, “the leader of democracy and freedom”, and “the
world’s overwhelmingly supreme power”, standard givens of Western
press discussion. The contradictory meanings of these epithets are not
seen, in predictable conformity to the ruling group-mind. When
demonstrators do call these meanings into public question on the
streets in foreign nations, they are typically surrounded and attacked
by their own countrymen in riot gear as “anti-American”. No-one I know
within America or even outside it yet observes this phenomenon as
indicative of an absolutist world religion backed by armed might. Yet
America’s certitudes of higher being, supreme power and benevolence of
will are daily incanted as articles of public faith. None may be
doubted without accusations of treason.83
Such a religion is idolatrous in principle, but this meaning is not
possible to recognise from its standpoint. If it is at the same time
propelled by a conviction of overriding natural right, and has
mass-homicidal weapons to execute its convictions, then no limit
appears to exist to inhibit the destruction of what opposes it.
Indeed, natural limits of world ecosystems themselves are overridden
freely and the most extreme inequality is assumed as a title of
America’s greatness.84 In this way, the Invisible Hand comes to work
on both economic and political planes as “globalization” and
“freedom”. America’s market God is at the same time a fiercely jealous
God that tolerates no alternative. That a “competitive” and “tolerant”
order simultaneously prohibits any opposition to itself is not
perceived as contradictory for it follows predictably from the first
principles of the RGM. A fateful set of historical consequences
proceeds from this closure to critical feedback. If the religion of
America legitimates limitless money-sequence growth from the U.S.
corporate centre to marketize all that exists as the meaning of
“America’s leadership of the Free World”, then it follows that U.S.
market assumptions are converted into acts of war against all
opposition or obstacles to its higher mission.
“In God we trust” is appropriately the sustaining certitude of a
money-sequence economy reorganising and conquering the world as “our
freedom”.85 At the center, the chosen feel and see inside the ruling
circle as US - “our own group”, in the words of the academic guru of
the U.S. national security cabal, Leo Strauss.86 This invisibly
deciding group, us as US, has an invisible center like the market’s
invisible hand, but rules the chaos of competing national selves at
the global political level. Yet it too is a corporate negotiation and
price system - pressuring and buying others in voluntary exchanges at
a self-advantage, with armed threat for non-compliance with the given
corporate market order.87 The logic of the market group-mind rules all
the way up and down. “The value of a person is his price”, says
Hobbes. The will to stand against this equation is revolution,
suggests Marx. There is no in-between for the religion of America.88
Any alternative is known a priori as an act of enmity to the faith.
Within this regulating mind-frame, the meaning of “democracy” is not,
as Lincoln or Jefferson thought, self-government by the people. It is
a process of locating group-mind preferences that the ruling group
shares with a dominant voting bloc of America by continuous polls of
opinion to select and market brand products which can best sell. This
is the political process that crystallizes the group-mind as a ruling
force. Elections test the competing products, what is meant by
“democracy” in this thought system, but the material condition of
success is always corporate financial and media support (with unusual
exceptions destabilized and overthrown by the same instruments
combined with U.S. state covert actions).89 Here as well, there are
two planes of the ruling order of meaning and decision - the economic
and the political. Both are regulated across party oppositions by an
interlocked set of absolutes which favour or exclude this or that
candidate or policy in a continuous winnowing process. The regulating
absolutes are pre-reflective, non-negotiable, and together constitute
the ruling group-mind as a structure of understanding and judgement
across parties - including Command Assumptions 1-15 above as the
generic market frame of mind. Yet the “room between” their poles of
possibility may be of momentous importance - not only because a
corporate market order may be fascist as well as
quasi-social-democratic, but because the latter possibility may raise
givens of the group-mind to consciousness, question and modification.
This progressive social option was chosen in response to structural
market unemployment - now called “natural unemployment” - to which the
“Keynesian” public-investment solution responded until the
Thatcher-Reagan counter-revolution against the welfare state and
Vietnam defeat.
In all, the group-mind religion of America has remained relatively
constant over generations with a more extremist fundamentalism coming
increasingly to rule since this post-Vietnam counter-revolution. The
ultimate command assumptions at work comprise the patriotic level of
the ruling market group-mind which motivate its lead national vector.
They are never systematically stated, but are more a primitive grammar
of belief that is uncodified. Nevertheless, we can formulate their
ultimately governing presuppositions as a regulating set of principles
operating “on top of” the general market principles defined by (1) to
(15) above. Each and all of these deciding presuppositions of the
collective faith of the world’s market leader can, as our previous
principles, be tested by seeking to find exception - for example, one
national political leader in the U.S. who transgresses or challenges
any of them. Here we find the political completion of “the ruling
group-mind of America” as the global market’s supreme power - the
shadow subject of America behind its media, military and financial
selectors on the ground, and what enforces market principles as
universal across the world. These command assumptions of the nation
constitute the bare subject-predicate system of “the world’s sole
superpower”, or the inner identity of the US which leads the market
meta-program as its supreme ruler on earth. The silently regulating
givens of (1) to (6) determine all acceptable public thought in
America, including by state-secret policy formation:
(1) America is the moving line of goodness and freedom in the world;
(2) All who oppose America are the enemy and evil; therefore
(3) The free and the good of America must triumph over the evil enemy
to protect the world; therefore
(4) America’s armed forces abroad must be supreme to prevail over
threats to itself and humanity; therefore
(5) America is its Commander-in-Chief and Armed Forces abroad, which
must achieve what (1)-(4) requires by force of arms as necessary;
therefore, by transitivity,
(6) America cannot in principle commit crimes or wrongs against others
in defending itself and the Free World.
These regulating givens of the group-mind of America form the inner
algorithm of its own distinctive religion and morality, as well as of
its politics and geostrategic planning. Through their internalisation
by acculturation, the governing elite and the masses become one and
arrive together at the narcissist center for everything - America
itself. U.S. culture is, accordingly, always Americans beholding
themselves in one or other mode, the religion of self-adoration which
crosses parties and factions and whose criterion of goodness is
aggregate sales. Anything which challenges this common ground
challenges US and, consequently, the identity structure of each within
the circle of “our own group”- an elastic line which may include
Bandar Bush, but citizens are its normal outer bound. If sales and
group-mind assumptions conflict, as with Michael Moore’s documentary,
Fahrenheit 9-11, which calls into question the identification of
America with its war President, then it is predictable from the ruling
group-mind of America that the sales venues of the offending market
product will be blocked at every level so far as possible within the
limits of the American market itself. When the religions of the Market
and of America are in conflict instead of, as normal, two aspects of
the One, a new dynamic of self-recognition becomes possible.
Yet normally while more and more others who are not believers in the
religion of America may be enraged at lawless U.S.-led destruction of
people’s life conditions or planetary life-organisation itself, a
reverse operation occurs within the American group-mind to invalidate
all opposition and opposing facts as “anti-American” or “hatred of
America”. This emergent correlative of anti-Semitism joins the
ideologies of the Chosen People of past and present.90
Yet once unmarginizable criticisms come from within America at the
same time - as with the Vietnam and Iraq wars - then a space for
public thought opens beyond the closed limits of the ruling
group-mind. Here as well, progressive possibilities for change in the
group-mind itself - for example, de-identification of the war
President with America or, more deeply, distinction between “loving
America” and acquiescence in the group-mind assumptions above. Within
the closure of the religion of America, however, it is predictably
unthinkable within its thought-system to accept connections and facts
that indicate that the Presidency of the United States of America
would permit a mass-homicidal attack to occur on America - an
unbearable contradiction within the binding faith for most.91 Yet here
too, though with more difficulty since there are no pictures to
register the facts in the American mind, one can never rule out
movement beyond the command assumptions by evolved social
intelligence. It is also possible, on the other hand, that the
“rational” perspective analysed in the previous section finds no
contradiction between the ruling assumptions above and selection of an
option scenario that maximizes America’s payoff matrix by allowing
9-11 to occur. Here it would simply be a matter of having to dissemble
the plan to the masses and “soft” politicians - as Leo Strauss and the
strategic thinking community in general recommend - so as to “achieve
great objectives” that others’ limited understanding cannot rise to.
The group-mind admits of many possibilities, but only holds so far as
its assumptions are not laid bare and opened to question. There are
many intelligent dissenters from the religion of America, but they can
be easily recognised and are accordingly marginalized - for example,
the many Americans who think their president led a war criminal
invasion or had foreknowledge of the 9-11 plan. They are thus
predictably attacked for betrayal of America and/or lunacy by those
who are creatures of the ruling group-mind. This is a time-honoured
operation. Nothing is fixed, but so long as its assumed absolutes rule
a priori, they are law-like in their hold - especially in the face of
the evil Other which defines the Self-Group. Without acceptance of the
primary Enemy as the defining Other of the US, there is a crisis of
group-mind identity. America requires this determination by negation
to sustain its closure to reality.
Such a crisis in the religion of America - the problem of no Other to
define US after the fall of “the evil empire” - was resolved by 9-11.
The secular world which expected an age of peace with no evil
superpower left did not recognise the necessity of a diabolic Other to
justify America’s command leadership of the Free World. A “war without
end” against the “enemy of international terrorism”sustained this
ruling identity. Without it, America’s society of market selves was
without evangelical solidarity in armed force, and without legitimacy
of its vast post-Cold War military expenditures. The group-mind and
its Other unite different levels of the working whole as their
system-decider at all levels of confrontation.
Yet the religion of America does not, revealingly, require a
transcendental God ruling above it. With or without invocation of a
traditional God, the narcissist self-center can only go one place -
back to itself as good and triumphant, and those who oppose it as
evil. This metaphysic does not require a religious dualism in the
normal sense. Leo Strauss and Ayn Rand, for example, are not
believers, but are more absolutist prophets of the market gospel and
the religion of America than native Americans. The duality of God
(Self) and Devil (Other) only requires the Market and the Nation as
Supreme to provide group worship with its armed incarnation in this
world. Reverence for pure selfishness of the individual or group -
which Strauss and Rand respectively advocate - is more militant with
nothing above the self or group.
Clinically, psychiatry knows the disorder of narcissism well. It
observes the defining propensities of autosuggestive hysteria and
disconnection from reality - apt descriptors for daily television on
“America at war against terrorism”. But the unifying disorder is writ
within and across the group-mind so it cannot be apprehended from
outside its own field of meaning. When psychopathic, the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders explains, further and more
disturbing properties of mental disorder are revealed. The self lies
glibly, manipulates others, is parasitic, and denies all
responsibility for destructive actions. The clinical definitions of
the narcissistic psychopath and the market religion of America
correlate too perfectly to ignore. They are as microcosm to macrocosm,
ego to group-mind, but the shadow subject is not seen. For the first
rule of any group-mind is that it cannot adopt itself as an object of
critical reflection. This is the distinguishing nature of its
self-referential circle, and its consequent life-blindness.
This syntax of the American group-mind has been the propelling center
of the global market religion since 1991, and more unilaterally since
September 11, 2001. The invisible hand’s chosen nation is America, and
the U.S. President is the Market God’s Supreme CEO on earth. All the
principles of one monotheist construction overlap in one global
subject bearing them, “the Free World”, of which America is the centre,
the leader and the supreme power. The regulating logic is evident once
seen, but as psychiatry has long observed, the unconscious may be
fanatically compulsive when not seen. The meta-theme is old. An
all-powerful, all-knowing and jealous Supreme Power rules the world to
realise the group’s worldly desires in accordance with an invisible
design. “The Almighty’s gift of freedom to the world which America has
the obligation to spread” is a current positive mode of expression of
this regulating article of faith. “You are either with us or for the
terrorists” is its meaning as a life-and-death ultimatum.
We know of the pre-Reformation Islam that is the current Other of the
market thought-system, but we do not know the self-worship of the
Market and America which is its Western mirror image. The intelligent
certainly sense the fanatic logic in U.S. witch-hunts of Un-Americans,
vast prisons of the poor doing no offense to any person, tens of
millions malnourished and without healthcare in the world’s wealthiest
market, and - most fatefully for the rest of the world - endless U.S.
threats and wars against societies not following the ruling
corporate-market order. But we do not yet penetrate the market
religion of America behind the symptoms. Again, the regulating logic
is evident across phenomena once seen. Yet since the market’s
invisible laws and commands are infallible and above reproach, the
transcendental set-points of Providence on earth, it is apostasy to
penetrate the veil. Few thinkers dare to. Thus America bears this
ruling group-mind into unending war against whatever-is-not-it with
“the support of the Free World”.92 The Religion of the Market and of
America are thus one - the Invisible Hand and the World Superpower
united in leading the world to perpetual and universal growth and
triumph over the Enemy to Progress and Freedom. 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars
are the global market’s new Sword, but none read the crystallizing
shadow subject behind the transient events and actors.
From the standpoint of the market religion of America, 9-11 was a
clarion call. America’s universal mission of freedom on earth and its
natural right to rule the world as “defense” became luminously clear
through the regulating prism. The underlying metaphysic of supreme
identity was consistently confirmed by U.S. leaders’ political
speeches and policies across Party oppositions, with the Kerry
candidacy of the Democrats in 2004 providing further evidence of the
shared ruling assumptions beneath attack ads. The same logic of U.S.
supremacy and global market rule was the shadow script for contending
opponents throughout.93 No ally disagreed either with the commanding
presuppositions. No line was drawn on America’s claim to world
leadership, freedom’s representation on earth, or right to root out
all other societies’ weapons which might deter the U.S. from invading
it - and certainly no-one questioned the transnational corporate
market order. It was heretical, as France saw, even to disagree at the
U.N. about the U.S. right to invade another sovereign society even in
the midst of U.N. inspections.
Yet a puzzle arises as to how the collectivity of the market religion
of America can arise among economic self-maximisers for whom only more
money for oneself counts as real value. In the words of America’s most
famous contemporary legal intelligence, lawyer Johnny Cochrane. “the
colour of justice is green”.94 How can such a nation come together as
“the leader off the Free World”, “America one and undivided”? What
joins the members of the unifying religion at the centre of their
being to unleash them into willing attack on whatever does not
conform. Here we move to a deeper, primeval assumption propelling the
U.S. war state. The inner meaning of this will can be found as a
general principle in Hobbes’ Leviathan and in the canonical
contractarian political philosophies after him such as John Locke’s
Second Treatise on Government - “the right of nature” to kill another
to secure self and property before this authority is transferred to a
sovereign state.95 Yet something more primitive forms the shadow
subject of America as a people from its comparatively recent
beginnings in other nations’ wilderness continent which was already
occupied by tens of millions of people - something ready to strike as
self-definition against the great powers of the unknown land, against
the “red tribes and savages” attacking over centuries, against foreign
king rule from an island its people left to be free, against “European
empires meddling in the Americas”, and - on a century later through
America’s technological miracles in conquering a vast nature
indifferent to its goals, beyond the Great Depression and War in which
“America saved Europe and humanity from the Nazis” - down to the Cold
War triumph over “Soviet enslavement and communism” to, finally,
America’s last great test and vindication as “history’s greatest
nation”. “The Attack on America on 9-11" was, we might say, a
third-millennium call to America’s known mission in the moral
universe. “America’s moral compass” and the “Almighty’s destiny”
pointed clearly to the launch of the “American Century” - to unleash
the one and only superpower to a climactic world crusade across the
former Babylonian empire to Central Asia and the borders of India
“bringing liberty to the world”. Let the dark forces come. We and God
shall prevail in the empire of the good and the free.96
The identity that binds a great nation operates on many levels - the
religio-millennarian vision as well as the market’s price system. But
the differentia specifica that distinguishes American culture at both
micro and macro levels is what all must have and be willing to use to
have liberty in and out of America - money and the gun. Money is the
medium of all the market’s gains and losses, and no more needs to be
said of it here. But the power to kill - symbolised by the gun in all
its multiplicity of forms and extensions in America and as America
abroad - is more distinctive of the U.S. as a nation, and more
revealing of the character structure behind the 9-11 Wars. Deep in the
American psyche, the fear turning back to conquer the Other which is
always perceived to threaten it, lies the self’s final definer in a
world of dark forces waiting to attack. At bottom, it may be said to
be the deciding will of the group-mind of America - “I can kill,
therefore I am.”
Where is this equation not the propelling determiner of America’s
historic identity across races and ethnic identities, past and
present, and in the 9-11 era operations across the world? The power to
kill the other bridges self-assertion across image and reality,
law-abiding patriots and gangsters, the good and the bad alike. It is
all, in the end, that the market self unmoored from the larger
community can ultimately count on in the Hobbesian world of each
against all where “the restless desire for power after power ceaseth
only in death”. It is, we might say, the beast at the core of the
group-mind of America, the fascinator and repeller of hearts and
minds, the abyss across which the U.S. Leviathan stretches in a world
without a covenant
“I can kill therefore I am” is a logic that goes back to before
Hegel’s master-slave dialectic glorified it as the transcendental
source of self and philosophy. Before and after, it haunts the modern
Anglo-American projection of the barbarous “State of Nature” prior to
its civilisation by Social Contracts (which express the market thought
system at another level, in just-so pure theories of justice and
morality). After the 9-11 attack on the U.S., the meaning of “we can
kill, therefore we are” was reborn as the patriotic will. Yet even
after 9-11, the heroic stature of America calls itself into question
when the killing of the Other is by industrial bombs falling eyeless
from the sky on poor populations and their basic means of continuing
life without disease and death. Although all that may matter to this
moral universe is to show “We are Number 1 in the world" and “only the
free market can provide freedom and democracy” - still the saturation
bombing of a defenceless and impoverished people provokes uprising
beneath the group-mind regulators of meaning. The life of humanity
refuses the offer that can’t be refused. Even although there is almost
no popular form of American culture that does not bear the undertow
meaning of the master longing - from hunting other creatures to kill
them, to the mock murders of wrestle-mania and video-games of shooting
others in droves, to the kill-‘em language of America’s favorite
sports and the pervasive violence entertainments on living-room
screens, to the government of the most populous state by a movie robo-killer
- still, something snaps out of the field of group-mind submersion. It
may take a generation to unfold - but the end is already written on
the mind-lock that cannot tell the difference between the life and
death of others.97
At bottom lies the unseen equation of U.S. armed force to America
itself. If America is at war in “a war without end”, then the equation
rules out its life modes of peace. No received economic metric can see
this problem, let alone measure it. Market growth is the only metric
of social health visible through the regulating market prism. With no
social life but consuming market selves against the Enemy, “we can
kill therefore we are” becomes the American collectivity which is
nowhere else allowed to exist. The armed force of US is in unobserved
fact the only collectivity willingly funded by taxpayers since tax-cut
government began. All other pooled resources for nation-state action
are “socialism” to the group-mind. In the only national collectivity
supported, the esprit de corps of America becomes beneath
understanding the boot-camp and the killing fields of others. “We can
kill, therefore we are” joins market selves in a thousand points of
light. The sky-lighting bombings are “our credibility in the world”.98
This is why the Democratic Party, otherwise unaccountably, abdicated
from its responsibility to oppose once the parameters of the “war
against terrorism” began - affirming with “no daylight between us” the
criminal invasions of other societies, the emptying of the U.S.
Treasury, the systematic abridgement of legal rights, and the waiving
of environmental laws for the military.99 Society-staggering increases
of public expenditure on weapons of mass destruction displaced vital
life needs on every level. Disconnect ruled from the heart and mind.
It was Un-American to oppose.100 When a people are incarcerated within
their group-mind, more paralysed than 1930 Germans in their dread of
being named “unpatriotic”, the war cannot stop. That is why it was
essential that the war began - to render armed seizure and control of
other societies’ lands and wealth as America’s natural right. It was
not by accident that Hobbesian theory was dominant in America’s
intellectual elite. Underneath detection, a moving spring of self-defence
as armed invasion was accepted as given.101
No other cause than the 9-11 attack could have incited American
legislators to sacrifice their constituents’ tax-dollars in the
long-term trillions, the lives of other Americans, and the reputation
of America in the world - as U.S. security geostrategists from both
parties recognised beforehand. Without an attack on America,
unilateral armed-force invasions of distant societies were wars that
could not be sold “after Vietnam”. 9-11 reversed the tide of a
generation. Beneath all the surface phenomena of party politics and
competing media and opinions ruled the Market Religion of America for
which the globe was its resource basin and labour pool, its land of
milk and honey of the Promised Land of three millennia later. The
historical subject now was the ruling market group-mind, and its
commanding assumptions were the set-points for every decision. That
the accumulating effects in the larger world of global market
expansion beyond all barriers were the ozone layer shredding, oceans
rising, and environmental indicators in precipitous decline could not
register through the regulating framework of meaning.102 All that was
externality to the ruling calculus. Conflicting interests of party,
class and ethnos merged as the propelling consensus of the life-blind.
At the middle and working class levels, “we love America” was the
shared self-image of citizens. Since “patriotic Americans” all loved
America, and America was “our men and women serving in our armed
forces abroad”, they could no longer distinguish their beloved country
from the crimes of the national security state. The deployments of
armed terror, mass disinformation, secret narco-links and political
bribery and coercion at every level were denied, necessary, anomalous,
or exceptions.103 The monstrous equations were assumed as America
which “must be defended against her enemies”. Those who oppose America
are “anti-American”. The victims are the enemy. War crimes are
“collateral damages”. One absurd equation builds onto another as a
paranoid mass cult called “patriotism”- but all proceeds in accordance
with the shadow subject of the ruling group-mind.
It is certainly true that there are market-class biases to the
effects. The resources of the poor are expropriated for transnational
market profit and consumption, while the U.S. Treasury itself is
structurally adjusted to a wide-mouth siphon to the rich for “market
investment and growth”. But the class bias of the payoffs do not
explain the all-class affirmation of the silently deciding assumptions
that select and exclude towards every decision, trend and outcome.
Only what fights back is perceived by the U.S. and the Free World as a
problem to be overcome, and only military and market plans are
selected for resolved collective action. Global trade edicts, IMF
market-restructuring and - after 9-11 - direct military invasions
follow from the global market meta-program - the sole meanings of
“development”, “defence” and “security” which make sense to the
regulating thought regime. The geostrategic hinge on which all turns
is 9-11 - both the karmic blow-back and the launching site of “the war
without end”. It is the unseen synecdoche of implosion of a
life-disconnected empire. Beyond its group-mind rule opens the horizon
of the life economy alternative.
This paper was originally presented to the International Citizens’s
Inquiry into 9-11
Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, May 30, 2004, and has
undergone major development for publication.
(John McMurtry PhD is Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Guelph, Canada. His most recent books are The Cancer Stage of
Capitalism (London and Tokyo: Pluto Press and Springer-Verlag, 1999)
and Value Wars: The Global Market versus the Life Economy (London and
Sterling Va: Pluto Press,2002). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of
Canada. |